Attendees Analytics

The Attendee Analytics endpoints can be used to access activity data for an individual attendee or all attendees within a given event.

We track data on ticketing, session analytics, connections in the event, expo activity, user activity and more.

Many activities like the user joining a session, bookmarking a session, playing a video, chatting with a lead in an expo booth, downloading any document from an expo booth, just to name a few, are saved and available as downloadable reports for hosts/admins.



-User should have to log in with admin/ super admin role or need a host side access for the event.

Below are the steps which can work independently.

Attendee Analytics

StepsDocument ref. Link
Get attendee listAttendee List
Get attendee profile dataAttendee Profile Data
Get attendee ordersAttendee Ticketing order
Get session analyticsAttendee Session Analytics
Download session analyticsDownload Attendee Session Analytic CSV
Connection analyticsAttendee Connection Analytics
Expo analyticsAttendee Expo Analytics
User activity analyticsAttendee User Activity Analytics