Auction, Raffle, Fund A Need, And Text To Give Analytics
Here is a list of auctions, raffles, fund a need, and text to give analytics APIs which will return all analytics information about them.
It will return the data like collected amount, a number of bidders, an item with the bid, paid bid items, total bids, total items, items with tickets, total buyer, donation, donor, the total donation, an item with a donation, total the fundraiser paid the amount and time, item name, item code, total ticket purchased, days.
- Here is the information about APIs.
- User should have login with Admin/ Super Admin Role or needs host side access.
- These APIs will help you to know about all the auction,raffle, fund a need, and text to give analytics information.
Step | API Reference |
Log-in as a Admin/super-Admin | Log-in As a Admin/super-Admin |
Fetch The Host Auction Details | Fetch The Host Auction Details |
Add Item Name with Item Code | Add Item Name with Item Code |
Fetch The Host Raffle Details | Fetch The Host Raffle Details |
Fetch The Host Fund Need Details | Fetch The Host Fund Need Details |
Fetch The Host Text To Donate Details | Fetch The Host Text To Donate Details |
Fetch The Donation Paid Amount And Time | Fetch The Donation Paid Amount And Time |
1. Login As a Admin/ Super-Admin
User can use this API for login as an admin/ super admin role from the host side.
After successful login, it returns data in JSON format which are useful in further request.
- Here is a Sample Success Response which API will return.
"access_token": "string",
"expires_in": "string",
"redirectUrl": "string",
"showExhibitorMenu": true,
"userId": 0,
"userRole": "string",
"whiteLabelURL": "string"
2. Fetch The Host Auction Details
On the host side when we click on the Analytics -> Auction
It will get host auction details. -
This API is used to get host auction details like collected amount, a number of bidders,
an item with the bid, paid bid items, total bids, etc.
- Here is a Sample Success Response which API will return.
"endDate": 1642333077000,
"collectedAmout": 0,
"numberOfBidder": 0,
"active": false,
"status": null,
"itemsWithBids": 0,
"paidBidItems": 0,
"totalItems": 1,
"totalBids": 0,
"days": 365
3. Add Item Name with Item Code
On the host side when we click on the Analytics -> Auction
It will add the item name with the item code on the auction page. -
It is used to add item name and item code for auction and raffle.
Item code like BAG, CAT, ADF, RTF, etc.
- Here is a Sample Success Response which API will return.
"itemName": "Vacation Package",
"itemCode": "VCD"
"itemName": "Patriots Superbowl Tickets",
"itemCode": "PPM"
4. Fetch The Host Raffle Details
On the host side when we click on the Analytics -> Raffle
It will get host raffle details. -
This API is used to get host raffle details like the number of tickets purchased,
collected amount, total items, items with tickets, total buyer, etc.
- Here is a Sample Success Response which API will return.
"endDate": 1642333077000,
"collectedAmout": 0,
"numberOfTicketPurchased": 0,
"totalTicketPurchased": 0,
"active": false,
"status": null,
"totalItems": 1,
"itemsWithTickets": 0,
"totalBuyers": 0,
"days": 365
5. Fetch The Host Fund Need Details
On the host side when we click on the Analytics -> Fund A Need
It will get host fund need details. -
This API is used to get host fund need details like collected amount, donation, donor,
the total donation, an item with a donation, etc.
- Here is a Sample Success Response which API will return.
"endDate": 1642333078000,
"collectedAmout": 0,
"donors": 0,
"active": false,
"status": null,
"totalDonations": 0,
"itemsWithDonations": 0,
"totalItems": 1,
"days": 365
6. Fetch The Host Text To Donate Details
On the host side when we click on the Analytics -> Text To Give
It will get host text to give details. -
This API is used to get host text to donate details like the number of donors, total
the fundraised, and active.
- Here is a Sample Success Response which API will return.
"numberOfDonors": 0,
"totalFundRaised": 0,
"active": false
7. Fetch The Donation Paid Amount And Time
On the host side when we click on the Analytics -> Text To Give
It will get the donation paid amount and time details. -
This API is used to get paid amount and time details.
- Here is a Sample Success Response which API will return.
"paidAmount": 50,
"time": 1637581180000
Updated about 3 years ago