Auction, Raffle, Fund A Need, And Text To Give Analytics

  • Here is a list of auctions, raffles, fund a need, and text to give analytics APIs which will return all analytics information about them.

  • It will return the data like collected amount, a number of bidders, an item with the bid, paid bid items, total bids, total items, items with tickets, total buyer, donation, donor, the total donation, an item with a donation, total the fundraiser paid the amount and time, item name, item code, total ticket purchased, days.

  • Here is the information about APIs.



  • User should have login with Admin/ Super Admin Role or needs host side access.
  • These APIs will help you to know about all the auction,raffle, fund a need, and text to give analytics information.
StepAPI Reference
Log-in as a Admin/super-Admin
Log-in As a Admin/super-Admin
Fetch The Host Auction DetailsFetch The Host Auction Details
Add Item Name with Item CodeAdd Item Name with Item Code
Fetch The Host Raffle DetailsFetch The Host Raffle Details
Fetch The Host Fund Need DetailsFetch The Host Fund Need Details
Fetch The Host Text To Donate DetailsFetch The Host Text To Donate Details
Fetch The Donation Paid Amount And TimeFetch The Donation Paid Amount And Time

1. Login As a Admin/ Super-Admin

  • User can use this API for login as an admin/ super admin role from the host side.

  • After successful login, it returns data in JSON format which are useful in further request.

  • Here is a Sample Success Response which API will return.
  "access_token": "string",
  "expires_in": "string",
  "redirectUrl": "string",
  "showExhibitorMenu": true,
  "userId": 0,
  "userRole": "string",
  "whiteLabelURL": "string"

2. Fetch The Host Auction Details

  • On the host side when we click on the Analytics -> Auction
    It will get host auction details.

  • This API is used to get host auction details like collected amount, a number of bidders,
    an item with the bid, paid bid items, total bids, etc.

  • Here is a Sample Success Response which API will return.
  "endDate": 1642333077000,
  "collectedAmout": 0,
  "numberOfBidder": 0,
  "active": false,
  "status": null,
  "itemsWithBids": 0,
  "paidBidItems": 0,
  "totalItems": 1,
  "totalBids": 0,
  "days": 365

3. Add Item Name with Item Code

  • On the host side when we click on the Analytics -> Auction
    It will add the item name with the item code on the auction page.

  • It is used to add item name and item code for auction and raffle.
    Item code like BAG, CAT, ADF, RTF, etc.

  • Here is a Sample Success Response which API will return.
    "itemName": "Vacation Package",
    "itemCode": "VCD"
    "itemName": "Patriots Superbowl Tickets",
    "itemCode": "PPM"

4. Fetch The Host Raffle Details

  • On the host side when we click on the Analytics -> Raffle
    It will get host raffle details.

  • This API is used to get host raffle details like the number of tickets purchased,
    collected amount, total items, items with tickets, total buyer, etc.

  • Here is a Sample Success Response which API will return.
  "endDate": 1642333077000,
  "collectedAmout": 0,
  "numberOfTicketPurchased": 0,
  "totalTicketPurchased": 0,
  "active": false,
  "status": null,
  "totalItems": 1,
  "itemsWithTickets": 0,
  "totalBuyers": 0,
  "days": 365

5. Fetch The Host Fund Need Details

  • On the host side when we click on the Analytics -> Fund A Need
    It will get host fund need details.

  • This API is used to get host fund need details like collected amount, donation, donor,
    the total donation, an item with a donation, etc.

  • Here is a Sample Success Response which API will return.
  "endDate": 1642333078000,
  "collectedAmout": 0,
  "donors": 0,
  "active": false,
  "status": null,
  "totalDonations": 0,
  "itemsWithDonations": 0,
  "totalItems": 1,
  "days": 365

6. Fetch The Host Text To Donate Details

  • On the host side when we click on the Analytics -> Text To Give
    It will get host text to give details.

  • This API is used to get host text to donate details like the number of donors, total
    the fundraised, and active.

  • Here is a Sample Success Response which API will return.
  "numberOfDonors": 0,
  "totalFundRaised": 0,
  "active": false

7. Fetch The Donation Paid Amount And Time

  • On the host side when we click on the Analytics -> Text To Give
    It will get the donation paid amount and time details.

  • This API is used to get paid amount and time details.

  • Here is a Sample Success Response which API will return.
    "paidAmount": 50,
    "time": 1637581180000