Exhibitor Analytics
Here are many exhibitor analytics APIs which will return all information about exhibitor's
analytics. -
Exhibitor analytics return the Leads Collected Data: download the document, play a video,
visit the link, views by unique users count, meeting booked, average lead rating, product
views, chat messages count, exhibitor name, event ticket Id, role, staff, number of times
booth visited, ticket status, checked in count, game type, questions, and answers. -
Leads means who are interested in exhibitor's product. There are three types of leads:
Hot: high interest in the product
Warm: medium interest in the product
Cold: low interest in the product
- User should have login with Admin/ Super Admin Role or needs host side access.
- These APIs will help you to know about all the exhibitor's analytics information.
Step | API Reference |
Log-in as a Admin/super-Admin https://www.accelevents.com/ | Log-in As a Admin/super-Admin |
Fetch The All Exhibitors Analytics Data | Fetch The All Exhibitors Analytics Data |
Get Expo Exhibitor Analytics Details | Get Expo Exhibitor Analytics Details |
Fetch The Attendee Count By Ticket Status | Fetch The Attendee Count By Ticket Status |
Download The Exhibitor's Lead CSV | Download The Exhibitor's Lead CSV |
Fetch The Particular Exhibitor Analytics By Exhibitor Id | Fetch The Particular Exhibitor Analytics By Exhibitor Id |
Fetch The Expo Exhibitor Visitor Data | Fetch The Expo Exhibitor Visitor Data |
Fetch The Expo Exhibitor Document Downloaded Data | Fetch The Expo Exhibitor Document Downloaded Data |
Download Exhibitor Analytics CSV | Download Exhibitor Analytics CSV |
Download Exhibitor Poll CSV | Download Exhibitor Poll CSV |
Download Question Answer CSV for Exhibitor | Download Question Answer CSV for Exhibitor |
1. Log-in As a Admin/super-Admin
User can use this API for login as an admin/ super admin role from the host side.
After successful login, it returns data in JSON format which is useful in further request.
- Here is a Sample Success Response which API will return.
"access_token": "string",
"expires_in": "string",
"redirectUrl": "string",
"showExhibitorMenu": true,
"userId": 0,
"userRole": "string",
"whiteLabelURL": "string"
2. When Admin/ Super Admin Go To The Analytics -> Exhibitors ,These APIs Will Call
a. Fetch the Exhibitors Analytics Data
- This API will return all exhibitor data like exhibitor name, chat message count, click count
average lead rating, document downloaded, meeting booked, etc.
- Here is a Sample Success Response which API will return.
"recordsTotal": 0,
"recordsFiltered": 0,
"numberOfExhibitors": 0,
"totalLeadsCollected": 0,
"averageLeadsPerExhibitor": 0,
"totalMeetingsBooked": 0,
"exhibitors": [
"id": 0,
"clickCount": 0,
"viewsByUniqueUsersCount": 0,
"documentDownload": 0,
"uniqueDocumentDownload": 0,
"meetingBooked": null,
"averageLeadRating": null,
"productViews": null,
"chatMessagesCount": null,
"leads": 0,
"exhibitorName": "string",
"pageViews": 0
b. Get Expo Exhibitor Analytics Details
- This API will return the count of attendees who viewed the exhibitor's booth.
- Here is a Sample Success Response which API will return.
"numberOfExhibitorBoothView": 99
c. Fetch The Attendee Count By Ticket Status
This API is used to get attendee count by ticket status associated with the specified event.
It will return data like ticket status and count.
- Here is a Sample Success Response which API will return.
3. Download The Exhibitor's Lead CSV
On the host side when we click on Analytics -> Exhibitors -> Download Button
It will download the exhibitor's lead CSV. -
This API will return the exhibitor's lead data like first name, last name, email, lead has
download the document, play a video, visit the link, etc.
- Here is a Sample Success Response which API will return.
"ITC Hotels "
"First Name","Last Name","Email","Event Ticket Id","Note","Rating","Created On","Role","Owner","Staff","Manually","Visit","CTA Button","Document","Total time in Booth","Link Clicked","Game Type","Video Played","Chat","Document Downloaded","Number of times booth was visited"
"Ekta","Kabra","","111316","VISIT","Unrated","2021/11/22 21:26","Attendee","Unassigned","Yes","No","Yes","No","No","","","","","",,"1"
"sweety","jain","[email protected]","111326","VISIT","Unrated","2021/11/22 18:32","Attendee","Unassigned","No","No","Yes","No","No","","","","","",,"1"
"Heta","Admin Shah","[email protected]","111324","VISIT","Unrated","2021/11/28 15:51","Attendee","Unassigned","Yes","No","Yes","Yes","No","","","","","",,"1"
"New expo "
"First Name","Last Name","Email","Event Ticket Id","Note","Rating","Created On","Role","Owner","Staff","Manually","Visit","CTA Button","Document","Total time in Booth","Link Clicked","Game Type","Video Played","Chat","Document Downloaded","Number of times booth was visited"
4. When Admin/ Super Admin Go To The Analytics -> Exhibitors -> Exhibitor Row Then These APIs Will Call
a. Fetch The Particular Exhibitor Analytics By Exhibitor Id
- This API will return all exhibitor data like exhibitor name, chat message count, click count
average lead rating, document downloaded, meeting booked, etc.
- Here is a Sample Success Response which API will return.
"id": 0,
"clickCount": 0,
"viewsByUniqueUsersCount": 0,
"documentDownload": 0,
"uniqueDocumentDownload": 0,
"meetingBooked": 0,
"averageLeadRating": "Cold",
"productViews": 0,
"chatMessagesCount": 0
b. Fetch The Expo Exhibitor Visitor Data
- It will return the expo visitor's data like first name, last name, when expo visited, document
link, and document name information.
- Here is a Sample Success Response which API will return.
"firstName": "string",
"lastName": "string",
"visited": "string",
"documentName": "string",
"documentLink": "string"
c. Fetch The Expo Exhibitor Document Downloaded Data
- It will return the expo document downloaded data like first name, last name , when the expo
was visited, document link, and document name information.
- Here is a Sample Success Response which API will return.
"firstName": "string",
"lastName": "string",
"visited": "string",
"documentName": "string",
"documentLink": "string"
5. Download Exhibitor Analytics CSV
- On the host side when we click on Analytics -> Exhibitors -> Exhibitor row ->
Analytics -> Download button
it will give us exhibitor Id and download the exhibitor's analytics CSV.
- CSV will have the details of attendees who are visited and interested in exhibitors. The details
in CSV will be First Name, Last Name, Email, Phone Number, Company, Title, Number of times
booth visited, etc.
- Here is a Sample Success Response which API will return.
"First Name","Last Name","Email","Phone Number","Company","Title","Number of times booth was visited","Comma separated list of documents download","Staff","Total time in Booth","Video Played","Chat"
"Sanket","mehta","","","Reliance Industries Limited","Title","1",,"No","0","No","No"
"First Name","Lastname","[email protected]","0","","","1",,"No","0","Yes","Yes"
"Expo","vdsnbfk","[email protected]","","","","0","","No","NA","NA","NA"
6. Download Exhibitor Poll CSV
On the host side when we click on Analytics -> Exhibitors -> Exhibitor row ->
Polls -> Download Poll Results
it will give us exhibitor id and download the exhibitor's poll data CSV. -
This API is used to download exhibitor poll CSV detail like questions, answer, question
types, status, etc.
- Here is a Sample Success Response which API will return.
"#","Question","Question Type","Choices","Status","Answer(s)","Answer By"
"1","clka","SINGLE CHOICE","csd,ef","PUBLISH","",""
7. Download Question Answer CSV for Exhibitor
On the host side when we click on Analytics -> Exhibitors -> Exhibitor row ->
Q&A -> Download Q&A
it will give us exhibitor id and download the exhibitor's question-answer data CSV. -
It will return the exhibitor's question and answer data.
- Here is a Sample Success Response which API will return.
"#","Question","Asker Name","Answer(s)","AnswerType","Status"
","aalok mistry",,,"OPEN"
"2","dclkjdlk","aalok mistry",,,"OPEN"
","Tammy N",,,"OPEN"
"4","send as private","Heta Admin Shah",,,"OPEN"
Updated about 3 years ago