Lounge Analytics

  • Here are a bunch of lounge analytics APIs which will return all analytics information about lounges.

  • It will return the list of lounge analytics data like lounge name, lounge id, event id, description, photo count, video count, attendee count, when lounge created, duration time, attendees information like first name, last name, age , email, organization, and job title.


  • User should have login with Admin/ Super Admin Role or needs host side access.
  • These APIs will help you to know about all the networking lounge analytics information.
StepAPI Reference
Log-in as a Admin/super-Admin
Log-in As a Admin/super-Admin
Fetch All The Networking Lounge DataFetch All The Networking Lounge Data
Download The Lounge Users CSVDownload The Lounge Users CSV
Download The All Networking Lounge Attendance CSVDownload The All Networking Lounge Attendance CSV
Fetch The Particular Networking Lounge AttendeeFetch The Particular Networking Lounge Attendee
Download the Chat CSV For LoungeDownload the Chat CSV For Lounge
Download The Feed CSV For LoungeDownload The Feed CSV For Lounge
Download The Networking Lounge CSV For UserDownload The Networking Lounge CSV For User
Get Attended Lounges ListGet Attended Lounges List

1. Log-in As a Admin/ Super Admin

  • User can use this API for login as an admin/ super admin role from the host side.

  • After successful login, it returns data in JSON format which are useful in further request.

  • Here is a Sample Success Response which API will return.
  "access_token": "string",
  "expires_in": "string",
  "redirectUrl": "string",
  "showExhibitorMenu": true,
  "userId": 0,
  "userRole": "string",
  "whiteLabelURL": "string"

2. Fetch All The Networking Lounge Data

  • On the host side when we click on the Analytics -> Lounges
    It will get the all networking lounge data.

  • This API will return all lounge data like name, photo upload count,
    video upload count, attendee count, and created date.

  • Here is a Sample Success Response which API will return.
  "recordsTotal": 1,
  "recordsFiltered": 1,
  "data": [
      "loungeId": "nl_3003",
      "eventId": "14951",
      "name": "Lounge_1",
      "createdDate": "2021/11/22 11:32",
      "attendeeCount": 10,
      "photoCount": 2,
      "videoCount": 2
  "error": null

3. Download The Lounge Users CSV

  • On the host side when we click on the Analytics -> Lounges -> Download Button
    It will download the lounge user CSV.

  • This API will return lounge user's data like first name, last name, email, and vaccination certificate.

  • Here is a Sample Success Response which API will return.
"Prefix","First Name","Last Name","Email","Please upload a photo of your completed COVID-19 Vaccination Card","Gender","Birthday","Age","Organization","Job title","Image","Upload","Pronouns","What Does Your Company Do?","Facebook","Instagram","LinkedIn","Twitter"
"Mr.","Akshat","Shah","akshat.shah306@gmail.com","https://s3.amazonaws.com/v2-dev-images-public/ticket_buyer_uploads/4404e7a6-1f67-40f9-a712-545bfc60ec69_image53png.png","Male","2021-11-17","24","Brilworks","QA","https://s3.amazonaws.com/v2-dev-images-public/ticket_buyer_uploads/e1d10e91-e32b-4266-b95b-ac375033520e_6606jpeg.jpeg","https://s3.amazonaws.com/v2-dev-images-public/ticket_buyer_uploads/361455ff-83b3-45b4-8cf8-cba9b9f4be76_image53png.png|image (53).png","He/HIm","test","https://www.facebook.com/","https://www.instagram.com/","https://www.linkedin.com/feed/","https://twitter.com/home?lang=en"

4. Download The All Networking Lounge Attendance CSV

  • On the host side when we click on the Analytics -> Lounges -> Lounge Row -> Download Symbol
    It will download the networking lounge attendance CSV.

  • This API will return lounge attendance data like first name, last name, email, photo upload
    count, video upload count, attendee count, and duration time.

  • Here is a Sample Success Response which API will return.
"Attendee First Name","Attendee Last Name","Attendee Email","Photo Upload Count","Video Upload Count","Attend Count","Duration Time"

5. Fetch The Particular Networking Lounge Attendee

  • On the host side when we click on the analytics -> Lounges -> Lounge Row
    It will get the networking lounge attendee data.

  • This API will return the lounge attendee data like first name and last name.

  • Here is a Sample Success Response which API will return.
    "userId": 8972,
    "firstName": "Prahalad",
    "lastName": "Shekhawat"
    "userId": 43449,
    "firstName": "Tammy",
    "lastName": "N"

6. Download the Chat CSV For Lounge

  • On the host side when we click on the Analytics -> Lounges -> Lounge Row -> attendees ->
    Download Lounge Chat
    It will download the lounge chat CSV.

  • This API will return details of the chat of the attendee like username, message, timestamp,
    and thread messages.

  • Here is a Sample Success Response which API will return.
"User name","Message","Timestamp","Thread Messages"
"Hina Admin admin","hi","11/22/2021 18:10:04",""
"Akshat Shah","Edit","11/22/2021 18:10:05","Hina Admin admin:??????????????:11/22/2021 18:11:48"
"aalok mistry","test","11/22/2021 18:11:16",""

7. Download The Feed CSV For Lounge

  • On the host side when we click on the Analytics -> Lounges -> Lounge Row -> attendees ->
    Download Attendee
    It will download the lounge feed CSV.

  • This API will return details of the feed CSV like username, post, timestamp,
    attachment, and comments.

  • Here is a Sample Success Response which API will return.
"User name","Post","Attachment","Timestamp","Comments"
"aalok mistry","diksdjks","","11/22/2021 18:19:02",""
"aalok mistry","test","","11/22/2021 18:18:57",""
"Heta Admin Shah","hello","","11/22/2021 18:10:23","aalok mistry:sdjsdkslj:11/22/2021 18:19:07"

8. Download The Networking Lounge CSV For User

  • On the host side when we click on the Analytics -> Lounges -> Lounge Row -> attendees ->
    Attendee Row -> Download Symbol
    It will download the lounge CSV for the user.

  • This API will return the user's lounge data like first name, last name, email, and vaccination

  • Here is a Sample Success Response which API will return.
"Lounge Name","Lounge Description","Timestamp"
"Lounge_1","descriptio ","2021/11/22 06:02"
"Lounges","","2021/11/22 12:43"

9. Get Attended Lounges List

  • On the host side when we click on the Analytics -> Lounges -> Lounge Row -> attendees ->
    Attendee Row will get the attended lounge list for the user.

  • This API will return the attended lounge list for the user.

  • Here is a Sample Success Response which API will return.
    "loungeId": "nl_3095",
    "name": "cricket",
    "description": "aa",
    "createdAt": "2022/01/03 11:43"