Exchange Ticket Type
This is the technical documentation for the ticket exchange. We have given the option in host side order listing page to exchange the individual ticket.
We have a single API endpoint that handles all types of ticket exchange
Get the API endpoint: Exchange Ticket Type :
Basic details of the Exchange ticket type API endpoint.
PUT : /rest/host/event/{eventUrl}/order/{orderId}/transfer-event-ticket
Payload : { "eventTicketId": 0, "newTicketTypeId": 0, "sentMailToAttendee": true, "orderId": 0, "paymentDetails": { "paymentType": "string", "amount": 0, "note": "string", "transactionId": "string", "tokenOrIntentId": "string", "paymentDate": "string", "createdBy": 0, "documentLink": "string", "refundWithCancel": true, "internationalPayment": true } }
Response: { "type": "Success", "message": "Success" }
Ticket Exchange Scenarios
There are four major scenarios in ticket exchanges:
- Free to Free Ticket Exchange
Description: If the originally purchased ticket is a free type and the admin exchanges it for another free ticket type, only the ticket type is updated.
Payment: No payment adjustments are needed.
- Free to Paid Ticket Exchange
Description: If the originally purchased ticket is free and the admin exchanges it for a paid ticket type, the ticket type and price will be updated to the new paid ticket type.
Payment: An email with a payment link is sent to the buyer to complete the payment for the new ticket. The admin has the option to settle payment using the "Adjust/Apply" and "Mark as Paid" options on the host side.
- Paid to Free Ticket Exchange
Description: If the originally purchased ticket is paid and the admin exchanges it for a free ticket type, the ticket type and price will be updated (with the new price being $0 for the free ticket).
Refund: If the original ticket was paid, the payment will be refunded, and the buyer will receive a refund notification email. If the ticket was unpaid, no refund will be processed; instead, the ticket type is simply changed, marked as Paid, and the order status is updated.
- Paid to Paid Ticket Exchange
There are three sub-scenarios for exchanging a paid ticket with another paid ticket type:
Same Ticket Price Exchange
If the original ticket price matches the new ticket price, only the ticket type and related fields are updated.
Payment: No payment adjustments are needed.
Lower to Higher Price Ticket Exchange
If the new ticket price is higher than the original, the ticket type and price will be updated. An email will be sent to the buyer to complete the outstanding balance. The admin can also use the "Adjust/Apply" and "Mark as Paid" options to settle the remaining payment.
Higher to Lower Price Ticket Exchange
If the new ticket price is lower than the original, the ticket type and price will be updated accordingly. The difference will be refunded to the buyer, who will receive an email notification. If the original ticket was unpaid, no refund will be processed; instead, the ticket type is changed, marked as Paid, and the order status is updated.
Additional Information about Ticket Exchange
- Complimentary Orders
For orders marked as complimentary (ticket price and paid amount are $0), the admin can exchange tickets without needing to settle any payment.
- Refund Restrictions
If an order status is "Refunded" or "Partially Refunded," ticket exchanges are not permitted.
- Multiple Exchanges
The admin can exchange tickets an unlimited number of times for individual tickets.
- Bundle Tickets
Ticket exchange options are not available for bundle ticket types.
- Flat and Percentage Fees
A flat fee is charged once per ticket, while percentage fees are applied every time based on the ticket price.
- Refund Priority
For ticket refunds, the latest transactions are refunded first, with the oldest transactions being refunded last.
- Processing Fee Refunds
For ticket exchanges requiring a refund, payment processing fees (e.g., credit card fees) are also refunded.
- Order Confirmation Emails
An order confirmation email is sent with every ticket exchange.
- Ticket Status
On every ticket exchange, we set the event ticket status to REGISTERED. (If the user has used a ticket for the checked-in)
Here are the fee calculation document link
Ticket Exchange Fees Calculation (1).xlsx your Google account
For the ticket and order status related doc:
Updated about 2 months ago