Lounges Session

Here are the steps and API endpoints to join Lounges Session in the Accelevents platform.

Lounges Session

Calling these following API sequences will help you to join the lounges session.

StepsDescriptionAPI Reference
Get all loungesShow the list of all available loungesClick Here
Join the loungeThis will register you as a lounge memberClick Here
Join the lounge live forumFinally, call this API to get the meeting details & join the live forum.Click Here

1. Get all lounges



If the purchased ticket has a restricted networking lounge then it won't be able to join the session and it won't be returned to the networking lounges list.

This API gives you all the lounges lists with pagination and members count.

Here is a sample response, which will be returned by API.

  "recordsTotal": 2,
  "recordsFiltered": 2,
  "data": [
      "networkingLounge": {
        "id": "nl_1911",
        "eventId": "8067",
        "name": "Second lounge",
        "description": "test 2",
        "createdBy": "8533",
        "photos": "",
        "profileImage": "",
        "createAt": "2021/12/20 15:20",
        "meetingObj": null,
        "bannerImage": "",
        "position": 2000.0,
        "virtualizationEnabled": false
      "userDetailsDtos": [
      "memberCount": 0,
      "userJoined": false
      "networkingLounge": {
        "id": "nl_1910",
        "eventId": "8067",
        "name": "First Lounge",
        "description": "test",
        "createdBy": "8533",
        "photos": "",
        "profileImage": "",
        "createAt": "2021/12/20 15:20",
        "meetingObj": null,
        "bannerImage": "",
        "position": 1000.0,
        "virtualizationEnabled": false
      "userDetailsDtos": [
      "memberCount": 0,
      "userJoined": false
  "error": null

2. Join the lounge

By joining networking lounges you become a member of it. To do so you need to call below API endpoint. From step 1, you need to identify the id of the lounge which you want to join and become a member.

This API will check if the ticketing type allows networking lounge access then only the attendee can become a member of that networking lounge otherwise you will receive the below errors.

CriteriaError codeError message
Attendee already join the networking407Networking Lounge Already Connected.
Networking lounge not found407Networking Lounge Not Found.

If the attendee successfully joins/registers as a member then API will return the below response.

  "type": "Success",
  "message": "Networking lounge joined."

3. Join the lounge live forum

Once you are a member of any lounge, you can join a lounge's live forum using meeting details (meeting & attendee) returned from the below API endpoint.

Here is a sample response, which will be returned by API.

  "meeting": "{\"MeetingId\":\"af0d5552-b6ad-4f87-b23c-b0ee3cf70706\",\"MediaPlacement\":{\"AudioHostUrl\":\"f2b8ffba2e9486c61e618013af86d659.k.m2.ue1.app.chime.aws:3478\",\"AudioFallbackUrl\":\"wss://haxrp.m2.ue1.app.chime.aws:443/calls/af0d5552-b6ad-4f87-b23c-b0ee3cf70706\",\"ScreenDataUrl\":\"wss://bitpw.m2.ue1.app.chime.aws:443/v2/screen/af0d5552-b6ad-4f87-b23c-b0ee3cf70706\",\"ScreenSharingUrl\":\"wss://bitpw.m2.ue1.app.chime.aws:443/v2/screen/af0d5552-b6ad-4f87-b23c-b0ee3cf70706\",\"ScreenViewingUrl\":\"wss://bitpw.m2.ue1.app.chime.aws:443/ws/connect?passcode=null&viewer_uuid=null&X-BitHub-Call-Id=af0d5552-b6ad-4f87-b23c-b0ee3cf70706\",\"SignalingUrl\":\"wss://signal.m2.ue1.app.chime.aws/control/af0d5552-b6ad-4f87-b23c-b0ee3cf70706\",\"TurnControlUrl\":\"https://ccp.cp.ue1.app.chime.aws/v2/turn_sessions\"},\"MediaRegion\":\"us-east-1\"}",
  "attendee": "{\"ExternalUserId\":\"Milan Dobariya_8533\",\"AttendeeId\":\"4a839913-2880-3893-2820-cf1e59aeb9ff\",\"JoinToken\":\"NGE4Mzk5MTMtMjg4MC0zODkzLTI4MjAtY2YxZTU5YWViOWZmOmNkZWUyMGM4LTY4ODMtNGQ1OC04MzkzLTk2NDFlMjZjYzk3ZQ\"}",
  "eventAdmins": [
  "title": "Second lounge"