Sponsor Analytics
Here are many sponsors analytics APIs which will return all analytics information about sponsors.
It will return the list of sponsor analytics data like count by source, login attendee, anonymous attendee, number of clicks on the carousel, number of clicks on sponsors tab, sponsors name, sponsor id, total clicks, landing page click, virtual event hub click, landing page logged in user clicks, session carousel clicks.
On the event site page if the user is not logged in then clicking on this user will be counted as anonymous clicks.
- User should have login with Admin/ Super Admin Role or need a host-side Access.
- These APIs will help you to know about all the sponsors' analytics information.
Step | API Reference |
Log-in as a Admin/super-Admin https://www.accelevents.com/ | Login by Admin |
Fetch All The Sponsors Click Analytics Data | Fetch All The Sponsors Click Analytics Data |
Download The All Sponsor Analytics CSV Data | Download The All Sponsor Analytics CSV Data |
Fetch The Particular Sponsor's Analytics Data | Fetch The Particular Sponsor's Analytics Data |
1. Login as an Admin/ Super Admin
User can use this API for login as an admin/ super admin role from the host side.
After successful login, it returns data in JSON format which are useful in further request.
- Here is a Sample Success Response which API will return.
"access_token": "string",
"expires_in": "string",
"redirectUrl": "string",
"showExhibitorMenu": true,
"userId": 0,
"userRole": "string",
"whiteLabelURL": "string"
2. Fetch All The Sponsors Click Analytics Data
On the host side when we click on the Analytics -> Sponsors
It will get the all sponsor's click analytics data. -
This API is used to get sponsor click analytics. Returning a list of sponsors present in
the event with the count of how many times one sponsor gets clicked by attendees. -
We are not collecting admin and staff users' clicks if they click on any sponsor that will be not counted.
- Here is a Sample Success Response which API will return.
"recordsTotal": 3,
"recordsFiltered": 3,
"data": [
"id": 1247,
"sponsorName": "s3",
"countBySource": {
"total": 2586,
"event_site": 1010,
"virtual_event_hub": 1576
"id": 1246,
"sponsorName": "sp2",
"countBySource": {
"total": 1544,
"event_site": 1006,
"virtual_event_hub": 538
"id": 1245,
"sponsorName": "sp1",
"countBySource": {
"total": 2102,
"event_site": 510,
"virtual_event_hub": 1592
"error": null
3. Download The All Sponsor Analytics CSV Data
On the host side when we click on the Analytics -> Sponsors -> Download Button
It will download the sponsor's analytics CSV. -
This API is used to download sponsor analytics data in CSV format. CSV contains Information like sponsors' names, click in different sources like the event site page, the area above chat (carousel) and sponsor tab, etc.
- Here is a Sample Success Response which API will return.
"Name","Total Clicks","Landing Page Clicks","Virtual Event Hub clicks","Landing Page Anonymous Clicks","Landing Page Logged in User clicks","Lobby Carousel Clicks","Lobby Sponsor Tab Clicks","Session Carousel Clicks","Session Sponsor Tab Clicks"
"Medium Sponsor1","3","1","2","0","1","0","0","0","2"
"Small Sponsor2","6","1","5","0","1","0","0","1","4"
4. Fetch The Particular Sponsor's Analytics Data
On the host side when we click on Analytics -> Sponsors -> Details (on sponsors row)
It will return the information of how many times the sponsor gets clicked by
attendees in the provided source. -
Possible sources where attendees can click on sponsors cards on the event site
Lobby page -> Sponsors tab. -
On the event site page if the user is not logged in then clicks on this user will be counted
as Anonymous clicks.
- Here is a Sample Success Response which API will return.
"id": 1245,
"sponsorName": "sp1",
"countBySource": {
"logged_in": 5,
"anonymous": 505
Updated about 3 years ago