This API will return all attendee details from a list of user-id.
API accepts user-ids & EventUrl in request parameter.
Here is the description of response attributes, which returns to the form of JSON.
Attributes | Description |
id | Contains the unique attendee id of the attendee to save in attendee DB. |
userId | Contains the unique user id of the attendee of the event. |
firstName | Contains the first name of the attendee. |
lastName | Contains the last name of the attendee. |
pronouns | Contains pronouns of attendee like she/hers, he/his, they/them. |
photo | Contains the unique value of the attendee photo which is fetched from the cloud. |
coverPhoto | Contains the unique value of the attendee cover photo which is fetched from the cloud. |
acceptDirectMessages | Contains a boolean value if the attendee can accept direct messages from other attendees or not. |
acceptMeetingRequests | Contains a value if the attendee can accept meeting requests from other attendees or not. Values are EVERY_ONE, NO_ONE, MY_CONNECTION |
showContactInfo | Contains a boolean value if the user can show contact info to other attendees. |
company | Contains the company name of the attendee. |
title | Contains the job title of the attendee. |
timezoneId | Contains the timezone id of attendee based on their location. |
equivalentTimezone | Contains the equivalent timezone id of attendees where they participated in an event. |
status | Contains the status of the connection request like ACCEPT, REJECT, REQUESTED |
rejectedBy | Contains the id of the attendee who rejects the request of the attendee. |
eventId | Contains the current event id of the attendee. |
videoIntro | Contains a video introduction link of attendee. |
extraInfo | Contains an extra information link of attendee. |
interests | Contains an interest list of attendee. |
availabilityDuration | Contains availability duration of attendee for meetings. |
request | Contains boolean value if attendee sent request or not. |
Contains the Instagram profile link of the attendee. | |
Contains the Facebook profile link of the attendee. | |
It contains a Twitter profile link of the attendee | |
Contains the LinkedIn profile link of the attendee. | |
availabilityStartTime | Contains availability start time of attendee for meeting. |
availabilityEndTime | Contains availability end time of attendee for meeting. |
availabilityTimezoneId | Contains availability timezone id for when attendee is available for meeting. |
showProfile | Contains a boolean value if attendee wants to show profile or not. |
rules | Contains attendee list of their own availability rule. |
meetingAvailabilitySetted | Contains boolean value if 'true' then attendee is set available for meeting. |
emailNotification | Contains attendees who want to receive an email notification when they are offline and someone sends connect or meeting request. When value returns as 'true' attendee will receive email. |
allowCallsAndVideosFromNotConnectedAttendees | Contains boolean value if the attendee can receive allow calls and videos from not connected attendees. |
exposeProfileToOtherUser | Contains boolean value if the attendee wants to share their profile or not. |
user | Contains the unique id of the attendee to save in attendee DB. |
Error Code
Here are the possible error messages, which return if any condition gets failed or required data is missing for processing.
Error Code | Error Description |
200 | The request could not be understood by the server due to malformed syntax. |
401 | You are not authorized to view the resource |
403 | Accessing the resource you were trying to reach is forbidden. |
404 | The resource you were trying to reach is not found. |
4030201 | Not Event Host |
4040100 | User Not Found |