Get All Attendee Details

This API will return all attendee details from a list of user-id.

API accepts user-ids & EventUrl in request parameter.


Here is the description of response attributes, which returns to the form of JSON.

id Contains the unique attendee id of the attendee to save in attendee DB.
userId Contains the unique user id of the attendee of the event.
firstName Contains the first name of the attendee.
lastName Contains the last name of the attendee.
pronouns Contains pronouns of attendee like she/hers, he/his, they/them.
photo Contains the unique value of the attendee photo which is fetched from the cloud.
coverPhoto Contains the unique value of the attendee cover photo which is fetched from the cloud.
acceptDirectMessages Contains a boolean value if the attendee can accept direct messages from other attendees or not.
acceptMeetingRequests Contains a value if the attendee can accept meeting requests from other attendees or not.
showContactInfo Contains a boolean value if the user can show contact info to other attendees.
company Contains the company name of the attendee.
title Contains the job title of the attendee.
timezoneId Contains the timezone id of attendee based on their location.
equivalentTimezone Contains the equivalent timezone id of attendees where they participated in an event.
status Contains the status of the connection request like ACCEPT, REJECT, REQUESTED
rejectedBy Contains the id of the attendee who rejects the request of the attendee.
eventId Contains the current event id of the attendee.
videoIntro Contains a video introduction link of attendee.
extraInfo Contains an extra information link of attendee.
interests Contains an interest list of attendee.
availabilityDuration Contains availability duration of attendee for meetings.
request Contains boolean value if attendee sent request or not.
instagram Contains the Instagram profile link of the attendee.
facebook Contains the Facebook profile link of the attendee.
twitter It contains a Twitter profile link of the attendee
linkedIn Contains the LinkedIn profile link of the attendee.
availabilityStartTime Contains availability start time of attendee for meeting.
availabilityEndTime Contains availability end time of attendee for meeting.
availabilityTimezoneId Contains availability timezone id for when attendee is available for meeting.
showProfile Contains a boolean value if attendee wants to show profile or not.
rules Contains attendee list of their own availability rule.
meetingAvailabilitySetted Contains boolean value if 'true' then attendee is set available for meeting.
emailNotification Contains attendees who want to receive an email notification when they are offline and someone sends connect or meeting request. When value returns as 'true' attendee will receive email.
allowCallsAndVideosFromNotConnectedAttendees Contains boolean value if the attendee can receive allow calls and videos from not connected attendees.
exposeProfileToOtherUser Contains boolean value if the attendee wants to share their profile or not.
user Contains the unique id of the attendee to save in attendee DB.

Error Code

Here are the possible error messages, which return if any condition gets failed or required data is missing for processing.

Error CodeError Description
200The request could not be understood by the server due to malformed syntax.
401You are not authorized to view the resource
403Accessing the resource you were trying to reach is forbidden.
404The resource you were trying to reach is not found.
4030201Not Event Host
4040100User Not Found
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!