API Reference

Get all rejected meeting schedule of attendee.

Get all rejected meeting schedule of login attendee. We need to pass eventUrl in param for get particular event's rejected meeting. We are also using pagination for get records. To get record in particular timeZone then need to pass equivalentTimezone in param.

Here is the description of response attributes, which returns to the form of JSON.

id This should be unique meeting schedule id.
eventId This should be event id of meeting booked.
receiver It's contain receiver user details. e.g firstName, lastName, profilePic, userId.
attendeeId This should be attendee id of receiver user.
meetingStartTime This should be meeting start time which attendee booked schedule.
meetingEndTime This should be meeting end time which attendee booked schedule.
status This should me meeting status.
note This is note to attendee set.
rejectedBy This contain user id who has rejected meeting schedule.
error Error display if getting any error while get records.
recordsTotal Total records of booked meeting.
recordsFiltered Filter records from get all booked meeting.

Here is the possible error messages, which return if any condition gets failed or required data is missing for processing.

Error CodeError Description
403Accessing the resource you were trying to reach is forbidden.
404The resource you were trying to reach is not found.
4010101Not authorized.
4040200No Event could be found.
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