This API is used to get attendee profile details by id with the specified event.
It will return data like accept direct messages, accept meeting requests, firstName, lastName, email, request, title, rules, etc.
To call this API, the user has to pass eventUrl as query param and authentication key to authenticate the user.
Here is the description of response attributes, which returns to the form of JSON.
Attribute | Description |
acceptDirectMessages | This controls if the attendee will allow direct messages from other attendees. By default this is a true value. |
acceptMeetingRequests | This will return the different types of meeting requests like NO_ONE, EVERY_ONE, MY_CONNECTION. By default is an EVERY_ONE value. |
allowCallsAndVideosFromNotConnectedAttendees | This controls if the attendee will allow calls and videos from attendees they are not connected with. By default set value is false. |
availabilityDuration | Contains a meeting availability duration of like 20L. |
availabilityEndTime | Contains the meeting availability end date in yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm format. |
availabilityStartTime | Contains the meeting availability start date in yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm format. |
availabilityTimezoneId | Contains the availability timezone for attendee. |
city | Contains the city of the attendee. Only 255 characters are allowed |
company | Contains the company of the attendee. Only 255 characters are allowed |
country | Contains the country of the attendee. Only 255 characters are allowed |
coverPhoto | Contains the cover photo of the attendee. |
deleted | Check if deleted attendee then returns true otherwise false. |
Contains the email address of the attendee. Only 75 characters are allowed in email. | |
emailNotification | Contains whether the attendee will receive email notifications regarding event activity. By default value is true. |
equivalentTimezone | Contains the equivalent timezone of the attendee. |
eventId | This event ID represents the unique ID of each event. |
exposeProfileToOtherUser | This returns if attendee's profile is visible to other attendees or not . By default, the set is true value. |
extraInfo | This will return the extra info details like the "about me", "wants to learn", "knows", and "wants to meet" fields. |
Contains a link to the Facebook profile of the attendee. | |
firstEvent | Contains the first event that the attendee participated on within Accelevents. |
firstName | Contains the first name of the attendee. Only 50 characters are allowed in firstName. |
id | This returns a unique value associated with the ticketing setting attribute. |
industry | Contains the industry of the attendee's profession. |
Contains the Instagram handle of the attendee. | |
interests | This will return the list of interests set by the attendee. |
languageCode | This will return the language code like EN or ES. |
lastActive | Contains the date that the attendee last logged into the event. |
lastName | Contains the lastName of the attendee. Only 50 characters are allowed in lastName. |
Contains the LinkedIn profile link of the attendee. | |
meetingAvailabilitySetted | Contains the meeting availability settings. By default set value is true. |
photo | Contains the user's profile photo. |
rejectedBy | Contains the rejectedBy of the attendee. |
pronouns | Contains the pronouns of the attendee. |
request | Contains the request of the attendee. |
rules | This will return the list of own availability rules like intervals, type, day, and date. |
timezoneId | Contains the timezone that the attendee is in. |
title | Contains the title of the attendee. |
Contains the Twitter username of the attendee. | |
userId | This returns the unique value associated with the attendee known as the ID. |
userDetail | This will return the userDetails like firstName, lastName, password, email, country, countryCode, googleUserId, phoneNumber, phone, state, zipcode, address1, showExhibitorMenu Etc. |
videoIntro | Contains the video intro of attendee details by id. |
website | Contains the website of attendee details by id |
Error Code
Here are the possible error messages, which return if any condition gets failed or required data is missing for processing.
Error Code | Error Description |
400 | The request could not be understood by the server due to malformed syntax. |
401 | You are not authorized to view the resource. |
403 | Accessing the resource you were trying to reach is forbidden. |
404 | The resource you were trying to reach is not found. |
40600013 | Cannot create URL |
4040200 | No event could be found |