API Reference

Join Session

This API will allow attendees to join a workshop (internal using chime) session, and it will return meeting details like meeting, attendee, speakersOrModeratorsUserIds, eventAdmins in response.

Need to send eventurl and id (Session ID) as path parameters.

This API can be used by any registered attendee within the event.

Here is the description of response attributes, which returns to the form of JSON.

attendee Returns join user details in JSON. JSON contains full name, attendee ID and Join Token.
capacity Returns the set capacity in numerical value which is the maximum number of users that are allowed to join the session.
currentUserRegisteredEventTicketId Returns the Event Ticketing ID that a user registered with for a session. Event Ticketing ID generates when we create ticketing types.
description Returns the description of the session.
Only 65,024 characters are allowed in the description.
chatEnabledIf enabled chat is true, then session chat will show in portal page. If false, then it will not show.
pollEnabledIf enabled poll is true, then session poll will show in portal page. If false, then it will not show.
quesAndAnsEnabledIf enabled Q&A is true, then session Q&A will show in portal page. If false, then it will not show.
duration Returns the session time duration.
endTime Returns the session end time. Will show in YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM format.
eventAdmins Returns a list of admin user IDs.
format Returns the session format.

There are seven type of session that can be created: MAIN_STAGE, BREAKOUT_SESSION, MEET_UP, WORKSHOP, EXPO, BREAK, OTHER.
hideSessionFromAttendees If true, the session will be hidden from attendees on the event landing page & virtual event hub. If false, it will be visible in both areas.
meeting Returns the meeting details in JSON.

JSON contains meeting information like MeetingId, AudioHostUrl, AudioFallbackUrl, ScreenDataUrl, ScreenViewingUrl and many others.
purchaserUserRegisteredEventTicketId Returns the Event Ticketing ID that a user purchased for a session. Event Ticketing ID generates when we create Ticketing Type.
registerdHolderUsers Returns the details of registered users for the specific session. Details are event ticketing ID, user ID, first name, last name, email, phone number and others.
sessionId This session ID represent unique ID of each session. It will generate automatically whenever a new session is created.
sessionStats Returns the details of attendee count, interested user count, and registered user count.

Details will need to pass in API endpoint as expand.
speakerList Returns the list of speakers that are associated with the specific session. It contains speaker details like speakerId, firstname, lastName, and photoUrl among others.
speakersOrModeratorsUserIds Returns the list of speakers or moderators user IDs.
sponsorList Returns the details of session sponsors.
startTime Returns the session start time. Will return in YYY/MM/DD HH:MM format.
status Returns the session status type: VISIBLE, HIDDEN.

Visible status will show in session list and hidden status will do not show in session list.
title Returns the title of the specific session.

Here is the possible error messages, which return if any condition gets failed or required data is missing for processing.

Error CodeError Description
400The request could not be understood by the server due to malformed syntax.
401You are not authorized to view the resource.
403Accessing the resource you were trying to reach is forbidden.
404The resource you were trying to reach is not found.
4010101Not authorized.
4040200Event not found.
404800Session not found.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!