JUMP TOAdminSignup/Login APISignup AdminpostVirtual Event Hub (Portal) Signup/LoginpostSignup WhitelabelpostLogin/Signup Using Facebook at Admin SidepostLogin/Signup using Facebook at Portal SidepostLogin Using TokenpostLogin Using UserkeypostLogin by White Label UserpostLogin by AdminpostEvent CreationCreate New EventpostCheck if User is Admin in Other EventgetUpdate Event FormatputEnable Modules For EventputDuplicate EventpostMeetingSchedule APIGet all booked meeting schedule of attendee.getGet all created meeting schedule of attendee.getGet all rejected meeting schedule of attendee.getGet available slot for booking meeting by attendee id.postGet Attendee booked schedule by attendee id.postUpdate Attendee Meeting ScheduleputCreate Attendee Meeting SchedulepostAccept requested meeting scheduleputAccept rejected meeting scheduleputCancel meeting scheduleputReject requested meeting scheduleputGet upcoming scheduled meetingsgetGet All Meeting SchedulegetHost Virtual Event APIGet Virtual Event SettingsgetUpdate virtual eventputCreate virtual event settingspostHost Sponsor APIGet All SponsorsgetCreate SponsorpostGet sponsor details by sponsor id.getUpdate SponsorputDelete Sponsor DetailsdeleteUpdate sponsor positionpostCopy Exhibitors into SponsorspostAdd session sponsorpostRemove sponsor from sessionputParse and upload valid sponsors from CSVpostUpload SponsorspostHost OrganizerOrganizer DetailsgetNew OrganizerpostUpdate OrganizerputList organizers by emailgetGet Total Number of Attendees for EventgetGet the organizer event list with ticket typesgetGet a list of organizers created by the logged-in usergetAdd embed widget settingspostGet the organizer usages reportgetUpload imagepostGet organizer logogetGet the team members for organizer eventgetSend an invitation to organizer team memberputDelete an organizer team memberdeleteGet tray integrations details for WhitelabelgetGet tray integrations details for organizergetGet all solutions that are available and live in tray.io for an organizer.getGet all solutions that are available and live in tray.io for WhitelabelgetMap subscription to an organizerpostMap subscription to an Whitelabel URLpostDownload attendees overage usages CSV for organizergetDownload attendees overage usages CSV for whitelabel.getSave organizer team memberpostGet organizer team membersgetUpdate the organizer team memberputHide the event from organizer profile pagepostChange the event planpostSave the email notification settings for the eventpostGet email notification settings for the eventgetDownload the data of users who unsubscribed from email notifications for a Whitelabel eventgetDownload the data of users who unsubscribed from email notifications for a non-Whitelabel eventgetHost Event and DesignEvent and Design detailsgetEvent Data With Design DetailsgetUpdate event calendar inviteputGet Event Design SettingsgetGet event calendar invitegetUser Current Event DetailsgetUser's Events InformationgetUpdate Event Design SettingsputGet neon events listgetUpdate hubspot EventpostHost Add AttendeesCheck Phone Number is Valid or NotgetTicket Module Get Dynamic Form DatagetTicket Module Display Purchase TicketpostGet All Available TicketinggetShow Activate Button on Host SidebargetTicket module display page settinggetCheck Attendee CSV have Correct RecordspostOrder TicketspostUpdate Order TicketsputCreate SetupIntentpostCheck-In-AttendeesGet All AttendeesgetReceive payment and change order statusputCheck Allowed Attendees Limit ReachedgetHost Manage WaitlistGet wait list settingsgetSave wait list settingspostWait ListgetAdd to Wait ListpostUpdate Wait ListputDelete Wait ListdeleteRelease Wait ListpostWait List ExpirationpostHost AttendeesGet user ticketing ordersgetGet User Activity detail by user Id and event IdgetHost TicketingCheck recurring event is enablegetGet list of recurring event schedulegetSave Ticketing Without TicketTypespostGet list of ticketing sales datagetGet list of ticketing buyer data with amountsgetGet ticketing sales wrapper dategetDownload event polls CSVgetAttendee/Staff APIEvent ticket checkingetSwitch EventsChange current eventpostChange Listing Status of eventPublish,Private,Postponed eventputUser roleUser has billing type admin rolegetCheck if the logged-in user is an event admingetHost Ticket Seating CategoryRetrieve categories detailgetWhite Label AdminGet list of events in Enterprise AccountgetEngageHost Engage APIGet All ContactsgetDelete ContactdeleteAdd ContactpostDelete All ContactdeleteDownload Contact CSVgetUpdate ContactputUpload ContactpostUpdate Attendee Connection Configuration DetailsputHost Interest Tags APICreate an Interest TagpostDelete an Interest TagdeleteUpload Interest CSVpostGet All Interest TagsgetGet Attendee Connection Configuration DetailsgetHost Message Contacts APIGet All Email TemplategetCreate Email TemplatepostDelete Email TemplatedeleteGet Recipient CountgetUpdate Email TemplateputSend Email TemplatepostSend Test EmailpostGet All Sent EmailsgetHost RegistrationHost Registration Order FormGet Ticketing SettinggetGet All Ticketing Type SettingsgetSave Ticketing SettingpostGet Custom AttributegetUpdate Custom AttributeputAdd Custom AttributepostGet All Custom AttributegetDelete Custom AttributedeleteSave Ticketing SettingspostUpdate Custom Attribute PositionpostHost Registration Order ConfirmationGet list of scheduled Resend Event email detailsgetAccess Of BeeFree TemplategetGet ticketing email datagetGet the order confirmation email statusgetSet Access Of BeeFree TemplatepostSave ticketing email datapostSet order confirmation emailputSend test emailpostCheck is limit reached for schedule Resend Event Ticket emailgetSchedule Resend Event Ticket emailpostGet Scheduled Resend Event Ticket email detailsgetUpdate scheduled Event Ticket email detailsputUpdate already scheduled Event Ticket email detailsputSend resend test emailpostGet BeeFree TemplategetSave BeeFreeTemplatepostUpdate BeeFreeTemplateputHost Registration Tracking LinkGet All Tracking LinkgetCreate Tracking LinkpostUpdate Tracking LinkputDelete Tracking LinkdeleteHost Registration Access CodesAdd Access CodepostGet Access CodegetUpdate Access CodeputDelete Access Code Detail By IddeleteHost Registration DiscountGet All Discount Codes For TicketinggetUpdate Discount Codes For TicketingputSave Discount Codes For TicketingpostDelete Discount Code Detail By CodedeleteHost ExhibitorExhibitor Controller APIAdd Exhibitor Host DetailspostDelete Exhibitor Host DetailsdeleteUpdate Exhibitor PositionpostDelete Exhibitor Document positiondeleteUpdate Exhibitor Document positionpostDownload Expo Staff Details CSVgetUpload Exhibitor CSV FilepostExhibitor Category APIAdd Exhibitor categorypostUpdate Exhibitor categoryputGet Exhibitors Details by categoryIdgetUpdate exhibitor category positionpostExhibitor categories list by event UrlgetExhibitor categories list by event idgetDelete Exhibitor CategorydeleteUpdate Exhibitor category positionputExhibitor Setting APIGet Exhibitor SettingsgetEnable Disable Expo SettingsputSend All Exhibitor Invite EmailspostPortal ExhibitorExhibitor APIGet Summary of All ExhibitorsgetExpo APIExhibitor categories list with exhibitor count for display pagegetGet All representatives by exhibitorIdgetLog Expo leave datapostGet All Attendee Detailsgetjoin exhibitor meetingputGet all company representatives by exhibitorIdgetCheck is meeting startedgetSave Log Click document datapostGet Exhibitor by Exhibitor idgetDocument download by exhibitor idgetUpdate Exhibitor by EXHIBITOR_ADMINputGet All Exhibitor logo details for Portal side by eventUrlgetMy Booth Leads APIGet Exhibitor Info by Event UrlgetGet All Lead OwnersgetCreate lead by logged-in userpostGet Expo MultiLanguage By Language Code And ExpoIDgetGet All Lead DetailsgetAdd Lead DetailspostCreate lead using sourcegetDownload Lead CSVgetUpdate Lead DetailsputDelete Lead DetailsdeleteMy Booth Chat with a Lead APIGet getstream channels.getReturns list of event staff basic informationgetDownload Chat CSVgetUpdate channel settingpostMy Booth Company Details APIUpdate ExhibitorFields TabList In MultiLanguageLabel From PortalputLog Expo visitorgetGet UserTicketIdsgetExhibitor Logo Upload By Exhibitor IdgetExhibitor Banner Image UploadpostExhibitor Image As The Background for The CardpostUpload DocumentpostMy Booth Team APIResend invitation to the staff of the exhibitorpostGet All Exhibitor Staff DetailsgetAdd Exhibitor Staff DetailspostGet Exhibitor staffgetUpdate Exhibitor Staff DetailsputDelete Exhibitor Staff DetailsdeleteMy Booth Products APIGet All Product DetailsgetAdd Exhibitor productpostExhibitor product by idgetUpdate Exhibitor productputDelete Exhibitor ProductdeleteDisplayPortal Profile APIupload cover photo for attendeepostUpdate cover photo for attendeeputPortal Sponsor APIGet all sponsors for display/portal side by eventUrl.getDisplay Agenda & Speaker : SessionsJoin SessionputGet default playback for session streaming/recordinggetUpload document for sessionputGet All Session dates in eventgetGet all speakers' sessiongetDisplay/Portal Sessions APIGet all sessions for display and portal pagegetGet session for display and portal pagegetGet workshop configurationgetUpdate workshop configurationputGet speakers count & registered session count for eventgetDisplay/Portal Session Cache APIGet session detailgetGet all sessionsgetGet registered sessionsgetGet Tracks/TagsgetDisplay/Portal Speaker APIGet speakers listgetGet speaker detailsgetGet all speakers' sessiongetDisplay Sponsor APIGet sponsors for event.getGet sponsors details for session.getDisplay HeaderDisplay Buy TicketsGet virtual access user rolegetTicket module display page settinggetSet status as checked-in for this ticketputGet attendee details by idgetGet virtual event labels by language codegetRetrieve feed token of attendeegetGet challenges namesgetGet challenge wise total points by userIdgetGet leaderboardgetGet all event challenge detailsgetRetrieve feed token of eventgetGet user notification preference detail by user id and event idgetEvent data with design detailsgetReturns user proof of vaccinationgetCheck user and password are present or notgetSend Cart data for current orderputUpdate triggered for exit intent popupputSave IPLookUp DatapostGet Latitude and Longitude by search string or ticketType or dateRangegetAdd User Notification Preference DetailspostUpdate User Notification Preference DetailsputDelete user notification preference DetailsdeleteUsers Information of OrdersgetSessionsAttendee sessionsUpdate attendee's status for sessionputGet check-in attendee count for sessiongetRegister/Bookmark sessionpostUnregister/remove a session from the bookmarkdeleteGet attendee's registered sessions with filtergetGet all attendee's registered sessionsgetGet previous match for networking sessiongetTag and TracksCreate tag/trackspostUpdate tag/tracksputDelete tag/tracksdeleteUpdate tag/tracks positionpostGet tag/tracks listgetGet all tag/track with pagination & searchgetSessionsGet Sessions ListgetGet Session DetailgetCreate SessionpostUpdate SessionputDelete sessiondeleteGet default playback for session streaming/recordinggetSet default playback for session streaming/recordingputUpdate assets details for direct upload stream provider.putDuplicate sessionpostUpload caption or subtitle fileputUpdate session positionpostShow/hide sessionputDownload sessions CSVgetRemove recorded video for sessiondeleteCreate bulk attendee using CSVpostRegister attendee to sessionpostSort session position by titleputSession mass operationputCreate/reschedule a session push notificationputRTMP Session APICreate session stream key and RTMP URL for Accelevent studio or Accelevent RTMP stream provider.postCreate assets for direct upload provider/exhibitor streaming/lobby streamingpostCreate RTMP URL for eventpostCreate stream assets for event lobby or exhibitor Aceelevents RTMP or direct upload stream providerpostHost Agenda SettingsInvite email settings for speakersputAllow attendees to join sessions lateputPortal networkingGet all matched users of networking sessiongetSpeakersSpeakersGet speakers listgetCreate speakerpostGet speaker detailgetUpdate speakerputDelete speakerdeleteGrant/Revoke attendee access to speakersputSend invite to speakergetRemove speaker's profile picturedeleteUpdate speaker positionpostGet all speakersgetGet all speakers with associated session detailsgetDownload speaker CSVgetSend email Invite to all speakerspostSpeaker sorting by column namegetSpeaker basic infoputRegistrationTicketing checkout flow APIGet available ticketing detailsgetGet available donation detailsgetGet available waitlist detailsgetCalculate fees based on selected ticketspostOrder generationpostGet the holder/buyer/addon field detailsgetConfirm order by paying ticket amountpostHost Attendees OrdersGet Ticketing OrdersgetGet Ticketing Order Data By Order IdgetRefund Ticketing Order By IdpostResend Mail to Ticket Buyer and Ticket HoldergetResend Mail to Ticket Holder by Ticketing IdgetGet Ticketing Purchaser Attributes Data by Order IdgetUpdate Ticketing Purchaser Data by Order IdputGet All Available Category for The Seating Type TicketinggetDownload Order PdfgetDelete TicketdeleteSend Magic Link to The Provided Email AddresspostGet Ticketing Holder Data by Ticketing IdgetUpdate Ticketing Holder Attributes Data by Ticketing IdputGet Ticketing Holder DatagetDownload Ticket PdfgetUpdate Ticketing Holder Attributes Data by Ticketing IdputUpdate Order NoteputExchange Ticket TypeputGamificationHost Challenge Config APIGet All Challenge List/ Filtered Challenge ListgetAdd Event Challenge DetailspostGet Challenge Details by Event Challenge IDgetUpdate Challenge Details by Event Challenge IDputDelete Challenge Details by Event Challenge IDdeleteGet Action Details Area WisegetGet Master Area DetailsgetDownload Leaderboard Data CSVgetDownload Leaderboard Data CSV By Challenge IDgetGet All Exhibitor Host DetailsgetAll Categories ListgetGet All Available Ticketing TypesgetAnalyticsExhibitor AnalyticsDownload Exhibitor Poll CSVgetGet attendee exhibitor analyticsgetDownload Question Answer CSV for ExhibitorgetDownload Exhibitor Analytics CSVgetGet All Exhibitor Analytics DatagetGet Expo Exhibitor Visitor DatagetGet Expo Exhibitor Document Downloaded DatagetGet Exhibitor Analytics By Exhibitor IdgetGet Expo Exhibitor Analytics DetailsgetDownload The Exhibitor's Lead CSVgetSponsors AnalyticsGet All Sponsor Click AnalyticsgetGet Sponsor's AnalyticsgetDownload Sponsor Analytics CSVgetHost Attendee AnalyticsDownload all sessions for attendeegetGet All Attendees of EventpostGet attendee analytics profile informationgetGet all sessions for attendeegetGet Attendee Check-In DetailsgetSession AnalyticsDownload Session Attendees CSVgetDownload Chat CSVgetGet Attendee data for Session By Session IdgetDownload the CSV of Attendee's Sessions data by User IdgetDownload Question Answer CSV for SessiongetDownload the CSV Of Session AttendancegetDownload the Session Overview CSVgetDownload the CSV of Session Attendee ComparisongetGet All Session Analytics DatagetGet Session Analytics Data by Session IdgetGet Session Video Analytics DatagetNetworking AnalyticsGet Attendee Networking AnalyticsgetRegistration AnalyticsAccess Token for AnalyticsgetDownload Ticket Holder Data in CSV FormatgetDownload Ticket Buyer Data in CSV FormatgetGet Event Ticket DetailsgetDownload Abandoned Registrants Data in CSV FormatgetDownload Question and Answers CSV of EventgetLounge AnalyticsDownload The Lounge Users CSVgetDownload Networking Lounge Attendance CSVgetDownload the Chat CSV For LoungegetDownload The Feed CSV For LoungegetGet All Networking Lounge DatagetDownload Networking Lounge CSV For UsergetGet Networking Lounge AttendeegetGet Attended Lounges ListgetGamification AnalyticsReturns attendee count by ticket statusgetDownload Gamification LeaderBoard CSVgetNetworking AnalyticsGet Networking AnalyticsgetGet Networking Meet Up Session ActivitygetDownload The Match User CSVgetAudience FilterAudience filterCreate an Audience FilterpostUpdate an Audience FilterputDelete an Audience FilterdeleteGet Audience Filter list of specific organizer.getGet Audience Filter list of specific Whitelabel.getGet Qualified Audience List of specific Audience Filter and Organizer.postGet Qualified Audience List of specific Audience Filter and a WhitelabelpostGet Reference Field values for a particular attribute of a OrganizergetGet Reference Field values for a particular attribute of a WhitelabelgetGet Master JSONgetProfileMy ProfileGet User Profile DetailsgetGet All Events by UserpostUpdate User DetailsputDelete User AccountdeleteMy ActivityGet list of user activities for all eventsgetGet ticket order detail by order idgetGet ticket purchase detail by order idgetGet user ticket details by order idgetGet ticket holder detail by ticket idgetDownload ticket order pdfgetResend mail to ticket buyergetMy EventsGet All Events of User by StatusgetMy TicketsGet user active order detailsgetGet user past order detailsgetGet holder user information list by holder ticket idsgetHost SettingsManage TeamEvent staff detailsgetAdd Event staffpostUpdate Event staffputResend email to the staffpostDelete StaffdeleteEmail Notifications Settings For StaffgetChange Email Notifications Settings For StaffpostGeneral SettingsGet general settings detailsgetChange General SettingsputChange attendee profile settingsputBillingDownload attendee listgetGet host billing settingsgetDownload the unique checked-in attendees CSVgetGet whitelabel billing summerygetUpdate Chargebee Billing SettingsputUnsubscribe Chargebee Plan For Text To GiveputReactivate Chargebee Plan For Text-To-GiveputWidget OptionsEmbed widget settings by event idgetEmbed widget settings by organizer idgetPayment ProcessingGet host credit card settings detailsgetGet total sales taxgetGet sales tax detailsgetSave sales tax detailspostDelete sales tax detailsdeleteUpdate sales tax detailsputUpdate host credit card settingsputConnect StripepostConnect SquarepostDisconnect SquarepostDisconnect StripepostPortal LoungeLounge Tab APICreate LoungepostUpload All Types of Lounge ImagespostJoin Networking LoungeputGet Networking Lounges with pagination and members countgetGet All Details of Networking Lounge by IDgetJoin Lounge MeetingputGet Feed Token for LoungegetGet All Attendees With Connected Networking Lounge by IDgetGet All Images in Networking LoungegetDelete Image of Networking LoungedeleteGet All Live Stream Asset for Networking LoungegetGenerate Networking Lounge Video URLpostUpdate Networking Lounge for Video URLputDelete Networking Lounge VideodeleteUpdate Networking Lounge PositionpostPortal PeoplePeople APIGet People List/ Filtered People ListpostMy Connection ListpostSuggested People ListpostPeople Profile DetailsgetAccept Connection Request Of UserputSend Connection Request To Userput1:1 Call to UserputSend Direct Message To UserpostGet interest tags list with pagination sorted based on their name in ascending orderpostGet list of Job titles of attendees of an event with paginationpostGet list of Companies, from attendee profile, of attendees of an event with paginationpostRegistration Request ApprovalRegistration Request Approval Landing PagePowered by Registration Request Approval Landing Page