API Reference

Get email notification settings for the event

This API is used to get the email notification settings for event admins and staff.

This contains notifications on emails received by users after purchasing from the event page, weekly sales reports, and attendee questions.

Path Parameters
eventurl- The event URL is a unique identifier for your event. "https://www.accelevents.com/events/demo" Here demo is the event URL.

Body Parameters

Details / Check response object

Authentication required - ✅

Role wise accessibility 

Super Admin - ✅
Admin - ✅
WL Admin - ✅
Staff - ❌
Attendee - ❌
Exhibitor - ❌
Speaker - ❌

Display - ❌
Portal - ❌
Host - ✅

Here is the description of response attributes, which returns in the form of JSON.

buyItNow moduleEnable: This represents whether this module is enabled or not.
text: This describes what this attribute means.
enabled: This defines whether the email gets sent when a buy-it-now item is purchased.
ticketing moduleEnable: This represents whether the ticketing module is enabled or not.
text: This describes what this attribute means.
enabled: This defines whether the email gets sent when an order is confirmed.
weeklySales moduleEnable: This represents whether this module is enabled or not.
text: This describes what this attribute means.
enabled: This defines whether the weekly sales report email gets sent.
participantQuestions moduleEnable: This represents whether this module is enabled or not.
text: This describes what this attribute means.
enabled: This defines whether the email gets sent when an attendee question is received.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!