API Reference

Update Event staff

This API is used to update staff to the event. This API can be accessed by event admin and super admin. We need to pass the authentication key to authenticate the user, staffId, and body param of staff pass. It contains staff details of the staff for the event. this API is used on the manage team page. Users can use this API to update first name, last name, email, and many more.

If the API is executed successfully, here is the description of response attributes, which returns to the form of JSON.

messageStaff added to event -> In permissions select Staff.
Admin updated for event -> In permission select Admin

Here are the possible error messages, which return if any condition gets failed or required data is missing for processing.

Error codeError Description
4090121User has already logged in at website. Can't change email now!
4090110You have already added this team member.
4090120This email address is already assigned. You can not change existing staff with this email address.
4060026Cannot make last event admin as staff.
4060044Cannot make last event Exhibitor Admin as Lead Retriever.
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