Using this API, you can get sessions details for an event.
You need to send eventurl
as a path parameter. You can pass page
, size
, expand
, tagIds
, trackIds
, sessionFormat
, past
, showPastAndUpcoming
, filterDate
and calledFrom
as query parameter for pagination and filter support.
This API can be used by any registered attendee within the event.
Here is the description of response attributes, which returns to the form of JSON.
Attributes | Description |
sessionId | The sessionId represents the unique ID of each session. It will be generated automatically when a new session is created. |
title | It contains the title of the session. |
startTime | It contains the session's starting time in the yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm format. |
endTime | It contains the session's end time in the yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm format. |
location | location for session. |
description | It contains the description of the session. It's only 65024 Characters are allowed to add description. |
format | It's returns the session format. Can set when create session. There are seven type of session can create that contains MAIN_STAGE, BREAKOUT_SESSION, MEET_UP, WORKSHOP, EXPO, BREAK, OTHER |
speakerList | It's returns the list of speakers that associated with session. It's contains speaker details like speakerId, firatName, lastName, photoUrl and other. |
currentUserRegisteredEventTicketId | It's contains the Event Ticketing ID that a ticketing holder user can only register for a particular session. Event Ticketing ID generates when we create Ticketing Type. |
tracks | It contains the tracks details like ID, name, colour, description and position. It will filter session from all session. |
streamProvider | It's identify session stream provider, it can be ACCELEVENTS, WISTIA, YOUTUBE, VIMEO, FACEBOOK, ZOOM, DIRECT_UPLOAD. |
subStreamProvider | It's identify session sub stream provider, it can be VOXEET, CHIME, OPENTOK, AGORA. |
streamUrl | It's a session stream endpoint. |
rtmpUrl | Mux's standard RTMP entry point. Compatible with the majority of streaming applications and services. |
meetingPassword | It contains the streaming session password for entry into the session. |
sessionVisibilityType | It's contains the session visibility type, there are two type of session visibility : PUBLIC, PRIVATE. Public session visible to everyone and private is restricted. |
recordSession | It will return true if record session enable or else false. |
hideVideoControls | It will return true if video controls enable or else false. If it's true, will hide video control from session and if it's false, it will show video controls. |
exihiborList | List of exhibitors with their details which associated with session. |
postSessionCallToActionJson | It's returns details for postSessionCallToActionJson which is when the session ends it should see a message suggesting what I should go see next during the event. |
playBackRestrictionToken | It's contains playback restriction token, which is allows you to set additional rules for playing videos. For instance, viewers can play videos embedded on the website when you set the Playback Restrictions with as an allowed domain. Any Video requests from other websites are denied. |
thumbnailRestrictionToken | It's contains playback restriction token, which is allows you to set additional rules for thumbnails. For instance, viewers can view thumbnails embedded on the website when you set the Playback Restrictions with as an allowed domain. Any thumbnails request from other websites are denied. |
recordsFiltered | It will return a count of filtered records of session. |
recordsTotal | It will return a count of total session for event. |
Here is the possible error messages, which return if any condition gets failed or required data is missing for processing.
Error Code | Error Description |
400 | The request could not be understood by the server due to malformed syntax. |
401 | You are not authorized to view the resource |
403 | Accessing the resource you were trying to reach is forbidden |
404 | The resource you were trying to reach is not found |
4040200 | Event Not Found |