This API is used to get a list of events created under and Enterprise or White Label account. The parameters are in curly braces in the above URL for that need to pass these values:
whiteLabelURL is the whitelabel URL where the list of events will come from
pastEvent is a parameter with a true or false value that is used to specify whether you want to fetch past events or active & upcoming events. pass True to get all past events and pass false to get all active & upcoming events
Query params
page: Default value of page is 0, which is used for pagination E.g. If you need result after the first 10 events and total events count is 200 then you need to pass page value as 1 it'll return the events records from 11 to 20.
size: defualt value of size is 10, which is returns 10 events per page if you need more or less events in single page then you can pass value accordingly
Path Parameters
Body Parameters
Not Required
Details / Check response object
Authentication required - ❌
Here are the descriptions of response attributes, which will return in the form array of JSON.
Attribute | Description |
recordsTotal | This field represents the total records in the event. |
recordsFiltered | This field represents the number of records that were fetched via this API. |
data | This field represents an array of event's objects. |
eventName | It contains the name of event. |
eventId | This event ID represents the unique ID of each event. It will generate automatically when creating a new event |
eventURL | Event URL is a unique identifier for your event. E.g Here, "demo" is the event URL. |
eventEndDate | This is the event's end date. |
eventCreateDate | This is the event created date. |
eventStartDate | This is the event's start date. |
logoImage | This contains the event logo URL. |
eventFormat | This represents the format of the event E.g. VIRTUAL, HYBRID, IN-PERSON. |
eventListingStatus | This represents the status of the event listing E.g. PUBLISHED, PRIVATE, PREVIEW, POSTPONED. |
eventPlanName | This represents the plan name of the event. |
totalSoldTicket | It contains the total count of sold tickets under the event. |
organizerId | This represents the id of an organizer for the event |
eventTicketRevenueDto | This contains the details regarding the event ticket revenue. Below are the attributes of the ticket revenue object. netSales: This represents the net sales of tickets. totalSales: This represents the total sales of tickets. totalTicketSold: It contains the total tickets sold totalWLFees: It will show the total white label fees. |