API Reference

Get Virtual Event Settings

This API is used to get virtual event settings details associated with the specified event. API used at host side - event admin and super admin can access this API.

It will return data like allowInterestToAttendee, accelEventsStudio, acceptDirectMessages, addNoFollow, allowAttendeeToPostInFeed, enablePeoplePage, enabledLobbyChat, sponsorSection, sessionEnabled, lobbyPageStreamInfo and other details.

User have to pass their authentication key for user authentication.

Path Parameters

Body Parameters
Not Required

Details / Check response object

Authentication required - ✅

Role wise accessibility 

Super Admin - ✅
Organizer Admin - ✅
Staff - ❌
Attendee - ❌
Exhibitor - ❌
Speaker - ❌

Display - ❌
Portal - ❌
Host - ✅

Here is the description of response attributes, which returns in the form of JSON.

streamProviderThis contains the stream provider. It will return data like NULL, ACCELEVENTS, WISTIA, YOUTUBE, VIMEO, FACEBOOK, ZOOM, DIRECT_UPLOAD
subStreamProvider This contains the Sub stream provider like VOXEET, CHIME, OPENTOK, AGORA
streamUrl This contains streaming URL. For WISTIA, YOUTUBE, VIMEO, FACEBOOK, ZOOM, DIRECT_UPLOAD need to set streaming URL. For ACCELEVENTS it will generate a unique streaming URL.
streamKey This contains unique stream key.
rtmpUrl This contains rtmp URL. It will be used to put in OBS studio with stream key.
accelEventsStudio This returns true if stream provider is ACCELEVENTS. Otherwise, it will be false.
id This contains a unique identify key.
sponsorSection Add a list of your sponsors or upload your sponsors' logos
hubNavigationBackgroundColor This contains the Hub Navigation Background Color. Maximum 8 characters are allowed.
hubMainBackgroundColor This contains the Hub Main Background Color. Maximum 8 characters are allowed.
allowAttendeeToPostInFeed Allow attendees to post in Lobby Feed
welcomeMessage This displays welcome message.
welcomeMessageVideo This displays welcome message video.
customTab Custom tab in JSON.
numberOfLiveStreamingExhibitorsPurchased This contains the number of live streaming exhibitors purchased.
maxNumberOfFreeAttendees This contains the maximum number of free attendees.
virtualEventTabs This contains data EventDesignConfigTabsJson like lobbyTab, stageSessionTab, leftSideNavMenu
virtualEventLabels Array of objects like key, value, hide and color.
expoBackgroundImage This contains expo Background Image.
simultaneousSessionScroll Enable simultaneous session scroll
gamificationNewFlow Enables new gamification flow
buttonTextColorConfiguration This contains button text color configuration. It will return data like mainStageSessionColor, breakoutSessionColor, meetUpSessionColor, workshopSessionColor, expoSessionColor, breakSessionColor, othersSessionColor and many others.
lobbyBannerImage This contains Lobby Banner Image.
maxAgendaItems This contains Max number of Agenda Items.
hideLobbyBanner This hides the lobby banner.
addNoFollow This contains add no follow.
bookMarkButtonColorThis contains the Bookmark Button Color.
allowInterestToAttendeeThis allows attendees to set interests.
allowLateJoin This allows attendees to join late.
lobbyPageStreamInfo This contains lobby page live stream information. It will return data like StreamType, streamUrl, streamKey, title, description, liveStreamId , streamStatus and many others.
expoPageStreamInfo This contains expo page live stream information. It will return data like StreamType, streamUrl, streamKey, title, description, liveStreamId , streamStatus and many others.
sessionWaitingImage This contains the session waiting image.
allowContactInfoFlagForAttendees This allows Contact Info Flag for Attendees
expoBannerImage This contains the expo banner image.
lowLatency This enables or disables low latency flag.
labelLanguageCode This contains the label language code. It will return data like EN and ES.
hideExpoBannerImage This contains the hide and show expo banner image.
acceptDirectMessages This is a setting to accept Direct Messages
pronounEnabled This is a setting to enabled or disable the pronoun field.
workshopEnabled This contains the setting to enable or disable workshop.
enabledLounges This contains the enable lounges flag.
speakerInviteEnable This contains the enable speaker invite mail.
enablePeoplePage This contains the setting to enable the People tab.
showTotalAttendees This contains the show total attendees flag.
showOnlineAttendees This contains the show online attendees flag.
stageEnabled Check if stage is enabled
sessionEnabled Check if session is enabled
networkingEnabled Check if networking is enabled
expoEnabled Check if expo is enabled
feedEnabled Check if feed is enabled
hubNavigationTextColor This contains the hub navigation text color. Maximum 8 characters are allowed.
enabledLobbyChat Check if lobby chat flag is enabled
expoLiveStream Check if expo live stream is enabled

Here is the possible error messages, which return if any condition gets failed or required data is missing for processing.

Error codeError Description
400The request could not be understood by the server due to malformed syntax.
401You are not authorized to view the resource.
403Accessing the resource you were trying to reach is forbidden.
404The resource you were trying to reach is not found.
4030201Not Event Host
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