API Reference

Get host billing settings

This API is used to return data like silentAuctionActivated, causeAuctionActivated, raffleActivated, ticketingActivated and many more. This endpoint can be accessed by users with event admin access or greater.

If the API is executed successfully, here is the description of response attributes, which returns to the form of JSON.

slientAuctionActivatedReturns silent auction enabled value. It contains a boolean value. If silent auction enabled value is not passed default will be false.
causeAuctionActivatedReturns cause action enabled value. It contains a boolean value. iI cause action enabled value is not passed default will be false.
raffleActivatedit returns raffle enabled value. it contains a boolean value. if raffle enabled value is not passed default will be false
ticketingActivatedReturns ticketing enabled value. It contains a boolean value. If ticketing enabled value is not passed default will be false.
textToGiveActivatedReturns text to give enabled value. It contains a boolean value. If the text to give enabled value is not passed default will be false.
publicKeyIt contains Stripe key
textToGiveSubscriptionIdIt contains text-to-give subscription id
textToGiveAmountIt contains text-to-give the plan amount
billingTypeIt contains event billing type like Paid, Comp
numberOfExhibitorIt contains a number of exhibitors created
numberOfPurchasedExhibitorIt contains a number of exhibitors purchased
numberOfDaysOfEventIt contains a number of event days

Here is the possible error messages, which return if any condition gets failed or required data is missing for processing.

Error CodeError Description
40440105Subscription Not Found In Chargebee.
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