API Reference

Get host credit card settings details

This API is used to get host credit card setting details. This API returns data like stripeConnected , stripeActivated , connectButtonEnabled , allowConnectingSquarePayments and many more.
To get this API we need to pass the authentication key to authenticate the user. This API is used on the payment processing page.

Here is the description of response attributes, which returns in the form of JSON.

stripeConnectedReturns a boolean value. If Stripe is connected, value returns true, otherwise false.
stripeActivatedReturns a boolean value. If Stripe is activated, value returns true, otherwise false.
connectButtonEnabledReturns a boolean value. If Connect button is enabled, value returns true, otherwise false.
allowConnectingSquarePaymentsReturns a boolean value. If connecting Square payment is allowed, value returns true, otherwise false.
paymentGatewayThis determines the payment gateway to which event host has connected the event to receive payments.
stripeAccountEmailContains a Stripe account email. If not passed, will be updated as the empty string.
stripeAccountNameContains the Stripe account name. If not passed, will be updated as the empty string.
creditCardEnabledIf credit card is not enabled, will be updated as default false.
processingFeesToPurchaserWill pass IF processing fees to purchaser is enabled AND if stripeConnected is true, otherwise this value will not be stored in DB and will not pass, will be updated as default false.
ccRequireForBidConfirmIf a credit card is required for bid confirmation, will pass, otherwise will be updated as default false.
taxIdTax id number, if not passed will be updated as the empty string.
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