API Reference

Create an Interest Tag

A user can use this API to create an interest tag for an event. This API can be access by event admin and super admin. For creating new interest tag, need to pass request body param for interest.
User have to pass their authentication key for user authentication.
This API used at host side to create new interest tag.

Here is the description of response attributes, which returns to the form of JSON.

This API Returns created an interest tag ID. which auto generated whenever will create new interest tag.

Here is the possible error messages, which return if any condition gets failed or required data is missing for processing.

Error codeError Description
400The request could not be understood by the server due to malformed syntax.
401You are not authorized to view the resource.
403Accessing the resource you were trying to reach is forbidden.
404The resource you were trying to reach is not found.
4030201Not Event Host
4090005Interest with same name already exists in event, please give a different name
4060094Failed to add interest tags, Reason: An event can have a maximum of 500 tags.
4060463you can not add interest tag more than {limitValue} under this plan. if you have already upgraded plan, publish your event to associate upgraded plan with this event.
4060462Interest tag feature is available under {commaSeparatedPlanNames} plans only. if you have already upgraded plan, publish your event to associate upgraded plan with this event.
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