API Reference

Ticket Module Get Dynamic Form Data

This API is used to get ticket module dynamic form data for holders and buyers.
It is used by super admins and admins while adding an attendee to the event.

Here is the description of response attributes, which returns to the form of JSON.
It will return a success message if API executes it successfully.

discountCoupon It can be used to display discount box, if coupon is enabled then the value will be true otherwise false.
ticketAttribute It is a JSON array of all attributes which are needed to buy tickets and are listed in attributes like attendees, buyer information fields, order Id, add on questions, buyer questions, order data etc.
buyerInformationFieldsIt is a JSON array of buyer information fields like first name, last name and customer attributes have fields like name, type, default value, mandatory.
Here is the field Description of attributes:
name: it is the name of the field.
type": it is the data type of field for store value.
value: it is the value of the field.
defaultValue: it is the default value of the field.
mandatory": it is mandatory to enter the value of this field while buying tickets.
eventTicketTypeId: this will check if attribute needs to show for specific event type.
orderId It is the order Id of the ticket buyer
buyerQuestions It is a JSON array of buyer question attributes of the buyers like first name, last name and customer attributes have fields like name, type, default value, default value, mandatory, and event ticket type Id.

Here is the field Description of attributes:
name: it is the name of the field.
type": it is the data type of field for store value.
value: it is the value of the field.
defaultValue: it is the default value of the field.
mandatory": it is mandatory to enter the value of this field while buying tickets.
eventTicketTypeId: this will check if attribute needs to show for specific event type.
attendees It is a JSON array of attendees attributes of attendees like First name, last name and customer attributes have fields like name, type, default value, defaultValue, mandatory, and eventTicketTypeId.

Here is the field Description of attributes:
name: it is the name of the field.
type": it is the data type of field for store value.
value: it is the value of the field.
defaultValue: it is the default value of the field.
mandatory": it is mandatory to enter the value of this field while buying tickets.
eventTicketTypeId:this will check if attribute needs to show for specific event type.
addOnsQuestions It is the information about add ons ticket type questions.
Here are the field description of attributes:

name: it is the name of the field.
type: it is the data type of field for store value.
value: it is the value of the field.
defaultValue: it is the default value of the field.
mandatory: it is mandatory to enter the value of this field while buying tickets.
eventTicketTypeId: this will check if attribute needs to show of specific event type.
orderData It contains data related to order like ticketTypeDescription, ticketTypeName, id, price, priceWithFee, avg. total fee, number of ticket;

Here is the field Description of attributes:

ticketTypeDescription:it is description of ticket type.
ticketTypeName:it is name of the ticket type.
id: it is a unique id of ticket type.
price:it is price of ticket type.
priceWithFee: it is price with fees of ticket type
avgTotalFee: it is an average total fees of ticket type
numberofticket: it is total number of tickets
totalPrice It is the total price of the ticket order
discountAmount It is a discount amount on the ticket
couponCode It is a coupon code that is applied for a ticket
hasHolderAttributes It contains if the holder has an attribute for this ticket type
hasAddOnAttributes It contains if the holder has Add On attribute for this ticket type
remainingSeconds It is used to display the remaining time to checkout
showCellPhoneField Show logged-in user cell phone number for buyer attribute while ticket checkout
onlyDonationTicket It returns true if it is only a donation ticket
processingFeesToPurchaser If it returns true then this can be used for UI calculation of fee amount
purchaserDetail It is a JSON array of purchaser user detail and the field descriptions are listed below.
countryCode: it is the country code of the purchaser.
phonenumber: it is the phone number of the purchaser.
email: it is the email id of the purchaser.
firstName: it is the first name of the purchaser.
lastName: it is the last name of the purchaser.
marketingOptIn: it is show marketing option is true or false.
userProfilePhoto: it is the id of user profile pic.
userId: it is the user id of the purchaser.
languageCode: it is the language used for the website.
hasStaffAccess: is the user have access to staff or not?
linkedCard: it is a JSON array of link cards like stripe, square
stripeCards: name of the card is linked with the website.
Stripe card fields description:
id: it is the id of the card.
last4: it is the last 4 digits of the card.
expmonth : it is expiry month of the card.
expyear :it is the expiry year of the card
defaultCard : it is the default card for transactions if yes then the value is true.
cardType: it is a type of card that is linked

addressRequired: is address is required for ticket purchase.
bidderNumber: it is the bidder number for bidding
admin": purchase is admin or not if yes return true
nestedQuestion It is an JSON array of conditional questions of buyer information fields, attendee and add on questions attributes and its field description is listed below:
defaultValue: it is list of the values in json format from it user can select value,
eventTicketTypeId: its comma separated ticket types id supported for conditional question,
id: it is unique id of conditional question,
mandatory: if it is true then user must have to answer the conditional question,
name: it is name of conditional question,
parentQueId:it is parent id of conditional question,
position: it is position of conditional question to show order form,
selectedAnsId: it is id used to show by default value for questions ,
type: it is type of conditional question and its must be CONDITIONAL_QUE,
value: it is used to store value of conditional question

Here are the possible error messages, which return if any condition gets failed or required data is missing for processing.

Error CodeError Description
401You are not authorized to view the resource
403Accessing the resource you were trying to reach is forbidden
404The resource you were trying to reach is not found
200Attributes fetched
4040200No Event could be found
4040100No User could be found
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