API Reference

Get ticket holder detail by ticket id

  • This API is used to get ticketing holder data by ticket/order id.
  • When the user clicks on the My Activity page from the profile menu, the user gets the list of event ticket details for a particular event like eventTicketId, orderId, paidAmount, etc.
  • We need to pass the authorization token in API in the header.
  • Authorization token will be generated when the user login to the system.

This API Returns a JSON response with 200 status if API is executed successfully.

Here is the description of response attributes, which returns to the form of JSON :

attributesThis field contains the array of holder related attributes information like :
name: It is the name of Html field
type: It is the type of Html field, possible values are TEXT,DROPDOWN,EMAIL,NUMBER,DATE
value: It is the value of the particular field
defaultValue: It contains the default value for the field
mandatory: It uses to check if the field is mandatory during ticket purchase
eventTicketTypeId: This will check if attribute needs to show for specific event ticket type id
questionsThis field contains an array of question-related attributes information like :
name: It is the name of Html field
type: It is the type of Html field, possible values are TEXT,DROPDOWN,EMAIL,NUMBER,DATE
value: It is the value of the particular field
defaultValue: It contains the default value for the field
mandatory: It uses to check if the field is mandatory during ticket purchase
eventTicketTypeId: This will check if attribute needs to show for specific event ticket type id
seatNumberIt contains the selected seat number of the holder
eventTicketingIdIt contains the event ticket Id of the order
eventKeyIt contains the combination of event Id and Recurring Event Id if have

Here are the possible error messages, which return if any condition gets failed or required data is missing for processing

Error codeError Description
401You are not authorized to view the resource
403Accessing the resource you were trying to reach is forbidden
404This user has not bought any tickets yet
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