API Reference

Get general settings details

This API is used to return data like currency, fundRaisingGoal, goalStartingAmount, raffleEnabled, currencySymbol and many more. This endpoint can be accessed by users with event admin access or greater.

if the API is executed successfully. Here is the description of response attributes, which returns to the form of JSON.

currencyReturns a currency code like EUR, FRANC
fundRaisingGoalReturns the fundraising goal, if not passed default will be 0.
goalStartingAmountReturns the goal starting amount, if not passed default will be 0.
silentAuctionEnabledReturns silent auction enabled value. Contains a boolean value. If silent auction enabled value is not passed default will be false.
raffleEnabledReturns raffle enabled value. Contains a boolean value. If raffle enabled value is not passed, default will be false.
causeAuctionEnabledReturns cause action enabled value. Contains a boolean value. If cause action enabled value is not passed, default will be false.
donationEnabledReturns donation enabled value. Contains a boolean value. If donation enabled value is not passed, default will be false.
ticketingEnabledReturns ticketing enabled value. Contains a boolean value. If ticketing enabled value is not passed, default will be false.
textToGiveEnabledReturns text to give enabled value. Contains a boolean value. If the text to give enabled value is not passe,d default will be false.
analyticsIdContains a google analytics ID for display pages. If not passed, default will be null. Only 255 Characters are allowed.
totalFundRaisedShowContains a boolean value for total funds raised shown.
socialSharingEnabledContains a social sharing enabled value. it returns a value in boolean.
replyToEmailContains a default email address. Email size should be 75 and only 75 caracters are allowed in email.
trackingScriptContains tracking script.
virtualEventScriptContains virtual event script.
textToGiveAvailableUntilContains Text To Give Available Until
value. The default value is null.
textToGiveSubscriptionStatusContains Text To Give subscription status.
The default value is null.
eventVenueTypeit contains event venue type like Venue To be announced, VIRTUAL
trackinPixelIdContains facebook tracking pixel ID for display pages. If not passed, default will be null.
Only 255 characters are allowed.
currencySymbolContains currency symbol like $,€.
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