API Reference

Get All Challenge List/ Filtered Challenge List

This API is used to get all the event challenge details associated with the specified event.

This API is used at host side. Event admins and super admins can access this API. It will return data like recordsFiltered, recordsTotal, error, and other details.

To call this API, users have to pass query parameters with API URL like page, size, and authentication key to authenticate the user.

The searchString parameter is used to get Filtered Challenge List, passing Empty String will retrieve the All Challenge list.

Here is the description of response attributes, which returns in the form of JSON.

recordsTotalReturns the total number of records.
recordsFiltered Returns the total number of filtered records.
area Returns the area of the challenge. It will return either Expo, Sessions, Networking, and Event.
action Returns the action of the challenge.
If your area is Expo then it will return an action like Visit, Chat, Watch, Link Click, Document Download, Request Meeting, or All.
If your area is Sessions then it will return an action like Watch, Visit, or All.
* If your area is Networking then it will return an action like Matches, Connections, or All.
trigger Returns the trigger of the challenge.
If your area is Expo then it will return a trigger like exhibitor and category or All.
If your area is Sessions then it will return a trigger like main_stage, breakout_session, workshop, or All.
* If your area is Networking then it will return a trigger like Networking or All.
eventChallengeId Returns the event challenge ID.
name Returns the challenge name. Only 255 characters are allowed.
description Returns the challenge description. Only 65535 characters are allowed
startDate Returns the challenge start date in yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm format.
endDate Returns the challenge end date in yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm format
goal Returns the challenge goal points.
rewards Returns the challenge rewards.
ticketTypeAllowInChallenge Returns the ticket types allowed to participate in the challenge. It will return a list of ticket type IDs.
gamificationTabDisabled Returns whether the gamification tab is enabled or disabled in the virtual event hub.
startDateUtc Returns the start date UTC format.
endDateUtc Returns the end date UTC format.
type Returns the challenge type. It will return either STANDARD, EARLY_BIRD, SCAVENGER_HUNT.
error Returns error messages.

Here is the possible error messages, which return if any condition gets failed or required data is missing for processing.

Error codeError Description
400The request could not be understood by the server due to malformed syntax.
401You are not authorized to view the resource.
4030201Not Event Host.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!