API Reference

Get all speakers' session

Using this API, you can get all sessions list in which you are added as a speaker.

You have to pass an eventurl as path parameters, for pagination & filter support you can send page, expand, past, size, and searchString as query parameters.

This API can be used by all authenticated users.

recordsTotal It will return a count of total session for event.
recordsFiltered It will return a count of filtered records of session.
sessionId The sessionId represents the unique ID of each session. It will be generated automatically when a new session is created.
title It contains the title of the session.
startTime It contains the session's starting time in the yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm format.
endTime It contains the session's end time in the yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm format.
description It contains the description of the session.
It's only 65024 Characters are allowed to add description.
capacity It's returns the capacity in number for session to allow maximum number of user can join.
status It's contains the session status type, there are two type of session visibility : VISIBLE, HIDDEN.
Visible status will show in session list and hidden status will do not show in session list.
format It's returns the session format. Can set when create session. There are seven type of session can create that contains MAIN_STAGE, BREAKOUT_SESSION, MEET_UP, WORKSHOP, EXPO, BREAK, OTHER.
speakerList It's returns the list of speakers that associated with session. It's contains speaker details like speakerId, firatName, lastName, photoUrl and other.
sessionStats It's contains details of attendee count, interested user count, registered user count.
For getting this, details need to pass in API endpoint as expand.
registerdHolderUsers It's contains details of registered user details who register for session. It's contain details like event ticketing ID, user ID, first name, last name, email, phone number and other.
currentUserRegisteredEventTicketId It's contains the Event Ticketing ID that a ticketing holder user registered for a session. Event Ticketing ID generates when we create Ticketing Type.
purchaserUserRegisteredEventTicketId It's contains the Event Ticketing ID that a ticketing holder user purchaser for a session. Event Ticketing ID generates when we create Ticketing Type.
duration It's contains the session time span.
chatEnabledIf enabled chat is true, then session chat will show in portal page. If false, then it will not show.
pollEnabledIf enabled poll is true, then session poll will show in portal page. If false, then it will not show.
quesAndAnsEnabledIf enabled QuesAndAns is true, then session QuesAndAns will show in portal page. If false, then it will not show.
hideSessionFromAttendeesIt will hide session from attendee if flag returns true from display page and portal page.
tags It will filter session from all session using tags.
tracks It contains the tracks details like ID, name, colour, description and position. It will filter session from all session.
ticketTypesThatCanBeRegistered It will contain ticketing type IDs with comma separated value. That only ticketing type can register for session.
streamProvider It's identify session stream provider, it can be ACCELEVENTS, WISTIA, YOUTUBE, VIMEO, FACEBOOK, ZOOM, DIRECT_UPLOAD.
subStreamProviderIt's identify session sub stream provider, it can be VOXEET, CHIME, OPENTOK, AGORA.
streamUrl It's a session stream endpoint.
streamKey Unique key used for streaming to a Mux RTMP endpoint. This should be considered as sensitive as credentials, anyone with this stream key can begin streaming.
rtmpUrl Mux's standard RTMP entry point. Compatible with the majority of streaming applications and services.
accelEventsStudio Identify session stream provider is accelevents studio, then it's true. If session stream provider is accelevents RTMP, it's false.
directVideoAutoStart If returns true, session video start automatically when enter into session.
assetList List of asset for setting default playback after live stream ends.
displayDonation It's returns boolean for display donation button for session.
closedCaptionUrlIt's returns caption URL which is used in session for transcription of speaker dialogue that appears on the bottom of the video. EX : https://www.streamtext.net/player?event=IHaveADream
closedCaptionHeight The height of closed caption for the session, which is the default value, will be 150.
meetingPassword Session meeting password if host set for session.
documentKeyValue JSON list of session document key value.
Key generate automatically while uploading document and value represent document name.
linkKeyValue JSON list of session link key value.
Key generate automatically while uploading document and value represent key name.
sessionVisibilityType Session visibility type PUBLIC, PRIVATE
PUBLIC session will show to all at portal and display side.
PRIVATE session will not visible at portal and display side.
hideVideoControls It's returns boolean for either wants to hide or show video controls from attendee.
recordSession It's returns boolean for either wants to record session.
position Session position value, which is default 1000 which assigned according to concurrent sessions and next concurrent sessions value will be 2000. Session position will decide session order, how they display at portal and display page.
allowedMinutesToJoinLate Return minutes to allow attendee to join the session late. Attendee once “registered” as (bookmark) the session before the elapsed session time. They can “join a session late” as(viewing a recording).
enableAttendeeList It's returns boolean to show attendee list.
playBackRestrictionToken It's contains playback restriction token, which is allows you to set additional rules for playing videos. For instance, viewers can play videos embedded on the https://example.com website when you set the Playback Restrictions with example.com as an allowed domain. Any Video requests from other websites are denied.
thumbnailRestrictionToken It's contains playback restriction token, which is allows you to set additional rules for thumbnails. For instance, viewers can view thumbnails embedded on the https://example.com website when you set the Playback Restrictions with example.com as an allowed domain. Any thumbnails request from other websites are denied.
postSessionCallToActionJson It's returns details for postSessionCallToActionJson which is when the session ends it should see a message suggesting what I should go see next during the event.
chimeConfig Returns chime configuration details related to session, which is contains Mute Attendees on Entry and Disable Attendees Camera on Entry.
qnAPrivate It's returns boolean either need private Q&A or need to visible for attendee, which returns true or false values.
Error CodeError Description
400The request could not be understood by the server due to malformed syntax.
401You are not authorized to view the resource.
403Accessing the resource you were trying to reach is forbidden.
404The resource you were trying to reach is not found.
4010101Not authorized.
40600013Cant create URL
4040200Event Not Found
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