API Reference

Change Email Notifications Settings For Staff

This API is used to change email notification settings and returns notification details and save notifications for the staff. This API can be accessed by event admin and super admin. We need to pass the authentication key to authenticate the user and,and email as path param and
request body of NotificationDetailRequest. This API is used on the manage team page. This API returns data like buyItNow, ticketing, weeklySales, participantQuestions and many more.

If the API is executed successfully, here is the description of response attributes, which returns to the form of JSON.

buyItNowIt contains buy it now notification information

moduleEnable: This flag is for showing modules on display on UI.
text: It contains text to display on UI. Such as alerts when buy it now items are purchased
enabled: It describes if custom notification is enabled or not.
ticketingIt contains ticketing module notification information.

moduleEnable: This flag is for showing modules on display on UI.
text: It contains text to display on UI. Such as order confirmations from my attendees
enabled: It describes if custom notification is enabled or not.
weeklySalesIt contains ticketing weekly sales report email information.

moduleEnable: This flag is for showing modules on display on UI.
text: It contains text to display on UI. like Weekly Sales Report
enabled: It describes if custom notification is enabled or not.
participantQuestionsIt contains contact and participant questions notification.

moduleEnable: This flag is for showing modules on display on UI.
text: It contains text to display on UI. Questions from attendees
enabled: It describes if custom notification is enabled or not.

Here are the possible error messages, which return if any condition gets failed or required data is missing for processing.

Error codeError Description
4040002Staff detail not found.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!