API Reference

Get Session Analytics Data by Session Id

  • API used at host side event admin, super admin, and organizer admin can access this API.
  • On the host side when we click on Analytics -> sessions -> sessions row,
    it will give us a session Id and it will return all session data like session
    start time, end time, session title, description capacity, etc.
  • it will give the speaker, sponsors, and register holder data as well
  • We need to pass an authorization token here, which is generated
    after successful login into the account.
Title Session Name
Start Time It is a session start time when the session will begin
End Time It is a session End time when the session will finish
Location it is the platform where sessions will be organized
Description it is a description for a session like which kind of session is this for example product launch, seminar, etc
Capacity it is the capacity for how attendees can join this session
Status it is status for sessions like IN_MEETING, REGISTERED, and CHECK_IN_AVAILABEL,
Current User Registered Event TicketId It will return the event's registered ticket id for attendees
Purchaser User Registered Event TicketId It will return the event's purchaser ticket id for attendees
Duration It is video duration for Youtube, Vimeo, Wistia, Voxeet, TokBox, etc sessions
Hide Session From Attendees it will return true if the session is hidden for the attendee
Enable Ques And Ans it will return true if the attendee can ask questions and answers in a session
Enable Chat it will return true if the attendee can chat in a session
Enable Poll it will return true if the attendee can
Stream Key it is a secret key for your live session
Stream Url it is a URL for live stram page
Sub Stream Provider if your session is organized on accelEvents studio
then you can choose a sub-stream provider like Voxeet and TokBox
Rtmp Url if your session is organized on accelEvents RTMP
then it will generate RTMP URL which is for the MUX live stream application
AccelEvents Studio it is true is session stream provider is accel events studio
Direct Video Auto Start it is true if video autostart is enabled
Asset List It will return the session's mux details like video duration, file name, when a file was created, who was the created file, etc data
Display Donation it is true if the donation button is enabled
Meeting Password it is a zoom meeting password to join the zoom session
Closed Caption Height it is caption height
Closed Caption Url it is a URL for watching the caption text like video
there we can change background-color, caption size, etc
Record Session it is true if the session recording is enabled
Hide Video Controls it is true if the session video control is hidden for the attendee
Sub Title File Url it is a subtitle file for the video
Session Visibility Type it is a private/public session
Enable Attendee List it will return false if the attendee list is showing
in session
Allowed Minutes To JoinLate it is time for how many minutes late you can join the session
QandAPrivate it will return false if the attendee can ask questions and
answer privately
  • Here are the different types of expand query parameters.
StatsIt will return the registered/interested attendee in the session attendee count
DurationIt is video duration for Youtube, Vimeo, Wistia, Voxeet, TokBox etc sessions
Attendee Countit is the number of attendees who have joined the session
  • if expand contains registerdHolderUsers these data are returned for registered user
Event Ticket Id It is an id when you buy the ticket it will generate a unique ticket id
First Name Attendee's First Name
Last Name Attendee's Last Name
Email Attendee's Email Address
Phone Number Attendee's Phone Number
Attended it will return true if the attendee joins the session
Registration Date It is a date attendee registered/Bookmark the session
Engagement It is showing that how much time you are engaged with session
  • if expand contains Speaker these data are returned for speaker
Speaker Id Unique Speaker Id of the speaker for getting speaker details
Title Speaker's Job Title
Company Speaker's Company Name
ImageUrl Speaker's Profile Picture
User Id Unique User Id for getting Users details
Pronouns Speaker's Pronouns Name
Bio Speaker's details
LinkedIn Speaker's LinkedIn profile URL
Twitter Speaker's Twitter profile URL
TwitterSpeaker's Twitter profile URL
ModeratorIt is Access of Start/Stop Broadcast in Studio
LoggedIn At VEH It will return true if the speaker logged in at the virtual event hub
Show ModeratorIf it is true, then the user will see Start and Stop button in-studio
Device Checked If it is true it will check your device like your microphone, camera, and speaker working properly or not
Ticket Types For Speaker Ticket types for speaker
Allow Override Details If it is true you can override your profile details.
Allow Attendee Access when the speaker buys a free ticket for the attendee so the attendee can have direct access to the virtual event hub.
it is only valid for a free ticket type
  • Here are the possible error messages that return if any condition fails or required data is missing for processing.
Error CodeDescription
400The request could not be understood by the server due to malformed syntax.
401You are not authorized to view the resource
403Accessing the resource you were trying to reach is forbidden
404The resource you were trying to reach is not found
4030201Not Event Host
404800Session Not Found
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