This API is used to show a list of solution details such as title, description, instance id. It will show whether the solution is enabled or not and if the account is connected or not. It will also give custom parameters for the logo of each solution.
Path Parameters
organizerURL- Organizer page URL.
Body Parameters
Not Required
Details / Check response object
Authentication required - ✅
Here is the description of response attributes, which returns in the form of a JSON array.
Attribute | Description |
id | This is the unique identifier for the integration solution. |
title | This represents the title of the integration. |
enable | This represents whether the integration is enabled or not. |
connected | This represents whether the account is connected or not. |
instanceId | This represents the instance id. |
reconfigurationRequired | This represents whether a reconfiguration is required or not. |
customFields | This contains a list of fields with keys and values. |