Get All Product Details

This API is used to get product details on the portal side by exhibitor Id and used for the front end to see data to users


Here is the description of response attributes, which returns to the form of JSON.

recordsTotal it contains total number of records are found.
recordsFiltered it contains a total number of records to be fetched.
id it contains Product id
name it contains Product name and Product Name Can Not Be Empty.
description it contains a Product description
price it contains Product price
images it contains Image location id and Image location URL
discountAmount it contains the Discount amount
discountType it contains Discount type, accepted values are PERCENTAGE or FLAT
position it contains Product position
shopifyBuyButton it contains Shopify Buy Button name
productBuyButtonLink it contains Product Buy Button-Link
error it contains any error description

Error Code

Here are the possible error messages, which return if any condition gets failed or required data is missing for processing.

Error CodeError Description
400The request could not be understood by the server due to malformed syntax.
401You are not authorized to view the resource
403Accessing the resource you were trying to reach is forbidden
404The resource you were trying to reach is not found
40600013Cant create url
4040200Event Not Found
4040027Exhibitor Not found
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!