Get available donation details

User will use this API to get the details of donations mapped with the specified event.
User have to pass the event url, for which event they wants donation details.
It will return donation setting details, donation goals, how much was raised & other details.

Here is the description of response attributes, which returns in the form of JSON.

adsorbAEFees It will return absorb Accelevents fees flag.
aeFeePercentage It will provide the Accelevents fee percentage.
customThermometerImage It will provide an image ID to set the image of the host's choosing for the donation goal webpage.
defaultSelectAmount It will return default donation amount.
donationAmounts It will return total provided donation amounts.
donationPageDescription It will return the description of the donation page, which is set by the event host.
donationViewBackgroundImage It will provide an image ID to set the image of the host's choosing for the donation goal webpage.
enableRecurringDonations It will return "true" if the host wants to allow donors to give recurring donations on a monthly basis.
goalAmount It will return the total goal amount of all donations.
hideDonationGoal It will return "true" if the host wants to hide the total donation goal from the donors.
numberOfDonors It will return a total number of donors.
textToGiveActivated It return "true" if the Text to Give fundraising module is activated.
totalFundRaised It will return the total amount of donation funds raised.

Here is the possible error messages, which return if any condition gets failed or required data is missing for processing.

Error CodeError Description
4040200No Event could be found
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