API Reference

Get list of user activities for all events

  • This API is used to get a list of user activities for all events.
  • This API is used when the user clicks on the My Activity page from the Profile menu.
  • We need to pass the authorization token in API in the header.
  • Authorization token will be generated when the user login to the system.

By using this API users can get an array of events with all activity details.
This API returns a JSON response with 200 status if API is executed successfully.

Here is the description of response attributes, which returns to the form of JSON :

eventNameIt contains the name of the event
eventIdIt contains the Id of the particular event
eventUrlThis field contains the event URL.
silentActivitysThis field contains auction activity details for user like :
itemName : It contains the name of the item
currentBid : It contains current bid for the item
myBid : It contains the bid of the user for particular item
raffleActivitysThis field Contains raffle activity details for user like :
itemName : It contains the name of the item
mySubmittedTicketsCount : It contains the count of the tickets for the user for particular item
totalSubmmittedTicketsCount : It contains the total submitted tickets count of the tickets for the item
ticketPurchased : not used
price : not used
purchaseDate : not used
displayTotalTicketSubmitted : This field used to check if show the total number of tickets submitted for each item is enable or disable from host side
purchasedRaffleActivitysThis field Contains purchased raffle activity details for users like :
itemName : It contains the name of the item
mySubmittedTicketsCount : It contains the count of the tickets for the user for a particular item
totalSubmmittedTicketsCount : It contains the total count of the tickets for the item
ticketPurchased : It contains the count of purchased ticket
price : It contains the price of the raffle tickets purchase
purchaseDate : It contains the date on which the ticket purchased
displayTotalTicketSubmitted : This field is used to check if show the total number of tickets submitted for each item is enabled or disabled from the host side
causeAuctionActivitysThis field contains Contains fund a need activity details for user like:
itemName : It contains the name of the item
myBid : It contains the bid of the user for a particular item
eventTicketsDtoThis field Contains the array of event ticket details of particular event like :
eventTicketId : It contains the ticket Id
paidAmount : It contains the amount paid for particular ticket
orderId : This field displays the order Id for ticket
refundedAmount :
seatNumber :
recurringEventId :
currencyThis field display the current of the event
basicEventInfoThis field contains the current Event Basic Information like :
eventName : This field describes the Event name which is unique and created by the host
eventUrl : This field describes the Event url which is a unique identifier for the event
availableRaffleTicketsThis field contains the count of the available raffle tickets from purchased tickets
textToGiveEnabledThis field is used to check If Is text to give enable for this event is enabled or not :
true : if the text to give is enabled for an event
false: if the text to give is not enabled for an event
currentEventThis field is used to check If this event is the current event of the user or not
true : if the event is the current event of the user
false : if the event is not the current event of the user
donationEnabledThis field is used to check If the donation module enables for this event or not :
true : If the donation module is enabled for an event
false : If the donation module is not enabled for an event
raffleEnabledThis field is used to check If Is text to give enable for this event is enabled or not :
true :If the raffle module is enabled for the event
false : If the raffle module is not enabled for the event
causeAuctionEnabledThis field is used to check If Is text to give enable for this event is enabled or not :
true :If the cause auction module is enabled for the event
false ::If the cause auction module is not enabled for the event
silentAuctionEnabledThis field is used to check If Is text to give enable for this event is enabled or not:
true :If the silent auction module is enabled for the event
false :If the silent auction module is not enabled for the event

Here are the possible error messages, which return if any condition gets failed or required data is missing for processing

Error codeError Description
401User is not authorized to view the resource.
404Event Not Found
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