API Reference

Map subscription to an Whitelabel URL

This API is used to associate or upgrade a plan to a Whitelabel account.
When this API gets called, the application will create a monthly overage subscription in Chargebee if it's not created yet. Along with this, the application also updates the plan name to the intercome for the company.
This API will add billing contacts to Chargebee if not added yet.
After associating the plan, the system will upgrade the plan of the events under the Whitelabel account that are not published yet.
This API will update the AE fee percentage and the AE fee configuration as per the associated plan.

Path Parameters
whiteLabelURL - Whitelabel URL of enterprise account.

Body Parameters
Not Required

Details / Check response object

Authentication required - ✅

Role wise accessibility 

Super Admin - ✅
Admin - ❌
Staff - ❌
Attendee - ❌
Exhibitor - ❌
Speaker - ❌

Display - ❌
Portal - ❌
Host - ✅

Here are the possible error messages, which return if any condition gets failed or required data is missing for processing.

Error codeError description
4030203 This will appear when a user who does not have superadmin access tries to call this API.
4040015This will appear when the passed Whitelabel URL is not found.
4040015This will appear when no user is found for the Whitelabel account.
4040103This will appear when the passed customer id is not found in Chargebee.
40440105 This will appear when the passed subscription id is not found in Chargebee.
4044104 This will appear when the invoice has an item that does not exist on our platform.
4060516 This will appear when the passed subscription ID is already linked to another organizer or Whitelabel account.

For a subscription id that is associated with another organizer, the error message will be the following:
Subscription id is already linked with the Organizer {Organizer_URL}

For a subscription id that is associated with a Whitelabel account, the error message will be the following:
Subscription id is already linked with the Whitelabel {Whitelabel_URL}
4060536 The subscription is for a Legacy Plan and is associated after 2021. This error will appear because, after 2021, the Legacy Plan is no longer supported.
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