API Reference

Get All Attendees With Connected Networking Lounge by ID

This API provides a list of attendees who are connected in a particular networking lounge.

idIt contains a unique user id in string format
userIdIt contains a unique user id in integer format
firstNameIt contains a user first name.
lastNameIt contains a user last name.
pronounsIt contains a user pronoun if set by a user.
photoIt contains a user profile image if set by a user
coverPhotoIt contains a user cover photo if set by a user.
acceptDirectMessagesIt contains a boolean value and the default is true.
It is used in the chat component.
acceptMeetingRequestsIt contains an enum value.
showContactInfoIt contains a boolean value and is based on value to show user contact information.
companyIt contains user company information if set by the user.
titleIt contains user title information if set by the user.
timezoneIdIt contains a timezone id.
equivalentTimezoneIt contains an equivalent time zone.
statusIt contains an enum value.
Enum value is [ "ACCEPT","REJECT","REQUESTED"]
rejectedByIt contains a user id.
eventIdIt contains an event id.
videoIntroIt contains a user video introduction URL.
extraInfoIt contains a object that has keys like [ "aboutMe", "wantsToLearn", "knows", "wantsToMeet"] and If user set the values then visible other null value returned.
interestsIt contains a list of interests.
availabilityDurationIt contains user availability duration and the default value is 20.
requestIts type is boolean.
instagramIt contains an Instagram URL.
facebookIt contains a Facebook URL.
twitterIt contains a Twitter URL.
linkedInIt contains a LinkedIn URL.
availabilityStartTimeIt contains user meeting availability start time if user set.
availabilityEndTimeIt contains user meeting availability end time if user set.
availabilityTimezoneIdIt contains a user timezone id for meeting availability time.
showProfileIts have a boolean value and is based on value to show user profile.
rulesIt contains a list of objects that shows the user availability rule. If set by the user.
meetingAvailabilitySettedIt contains a boolean value and it shows the user is available for the meeting. The default value is true.
emailNotificationIt contains a boolean value and is based on the value user received email notification. The default value is false.
exposeProfileToOtherUserIt contains a boolean value and it is used to show the user profile to another user. The default value is true.
allowCallsAndVideosFromNotConnectedAttendeesIt contains a boolean value and It controls that you will get calls from anther users based on value. The default value is false.
userIt contains a user id.
recordsTotalIt contains a count of total records in a particular lounge.
recordsFilteredIt contains a count of given page & size in the particular lounge.
errorIt contains an error message.

Here are the possible error messages, which return if any condition fails or required data is missing for processing.

Response status codeError codeDescription
4014010101You are not authorized to view the resource
404The resource you were trying to reach is not found.
40640600013Server can not create URL from the eventUrl value.
4044040200No event could be found.
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