Get Check list

This API is used to get a checklist of what's left to do before launching your event.

The checklist is a list of suggested tasks to be completed before publishing the event & it contains information on whether the task is completed or not, a small description for each item, etc.

Path Parameters

Body Parameters
Not Required

Details / Check response object

Authentication required - ✅

Role wise accessibility 

Super Admin - ✅
Admin - ✅
Staff - ❌
Attendee - ❌
Exhibitor - ❌
Speaker - ❌

Display - ❌
Portal - ❌
Host - ✅

Here is the description of response attributes, which returns in the form of a JSON array

complete The checklist item is complete.
label The checklist item label that will display to the event host.
description The checklist item description that will display to the event host.
todoButtonText The checklist item button caption that will display to the event host.
todoLink Location where the checklist item can be completed from the Accelevents host side page.
doneButtonText Button caption to be shown after a checklist item is completed.
dialog When a checklist item is clicked from dialog whether it needs to open or not.
active Is the checklist item active?
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!