API Reference

Get Fund A Need Setting Information

This API is used to get Fund A Need setting information. This API can be accessed by event admin and super admin. It will return Fund A Need data like accessToken, Fund A Need status, event timezone, and many more. We need to pass an authentication token to authorize the user, event URL in path param, and get all the settings of Fund A Need.

Here is the description of response attributes, which returns to the form of JSON.

activatedIf the module is activated, this will be set to True.
categoryEnabledIf the category is enabled, this will be set to True.
causeAuctionStatusThis contains Fund A Need Status such as Event Happening, Processing Winner, Winner Announced, Bidding Extended, and Event Module Deleted.
countDownTimeShowIf the Countdown is being displayed, this will be set to True.
equivalentTimeZoneThis is the time zone equivalent to custom time zone.
eventTimeZoneThis is the selected Time Zone for the event.
includeUnpaidPledgesInTotalAll pledges included those unpaid will be included and this will be set to True.
moduleShowThe Fund A Need will be displayed if this is set to True.
pledgeButtonNameThis is used to set the custom name of the pledge button.
requireUserAddressThis requires the participants mailing address to be collected.
showItemTotalsThis will allow Item totals to be shown on the bidding page.
timeZonesThis returns a list of available time zones.
txtMsgBidInstShownShow Text Message Bidding Instructions.
userTimeThis is the end time of the Fund A Need to submit a pledge.
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