Get Raffle Item Details based on item code

Get the Item Details by passing the item code, event URL, and authorization token as path param. This API can be accessed by event admin and super admin. It will return item details like item name, item description, images uploaded in items, and many more.

Here is the description of response attributes, which returns to the form of JSON.
It will return a success message if API will execute successfully.

descriptionItem description
itemShortNameItem Short Name
categoryItem category
itemShowWill the item show on the event landing page?
categoriesList of item categories
imagesThis will show:

id: Image ID
imageUrl: URL of the image
position: Position of image
numberOfPledgesNumber of pledges that can be accepted
marketValueMarket value of the item
numberOfWinnersNumber of winners allowed per item

Here are the possible error messages, which return if any condition gets failed or required data is missing for processing.

Error CodeError Description
4040300Item Not Found
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