Get Raffle Setting Information

This API is used to get Raffle host side setting information. This API can be accessed by event admin and super admin. It will return Raffle data like accessToken, raffle status, event timezone, and many more. We need to pass an authentication token to authorize the user, event URL in path param, and get all the settings of the raffle.

Here is the description of response attributes, which returns to the form of JSON.

activatedIs the Raffle module activated? If not passed, will be set to false.
categoryEnabledIs category enabled? If not passed will be set to false.
raffleStatusIt contains raffle Status like: Event Happening, Processing Winner, Winner Announced, Bidding Extended, Event Module Deleted.
countDownTimeShowDisplay the count down, if not passed will set true.
equivalentTimeZoneThis is timezone equivalent to selected timezone.
eventTimeZoneSelected Event Time Zone Id
moduleShowShow module tab on display page? if not passed will be set to false.
pledgeButtonNameUsed to set the custom label of pledge button.
requireUserAddressAre the fundraising participant's mailing addresses to be collected?
showItemTotalsIs Item totals shown on the event landing page?
timeZonesReturns list of available timezones.
txtMsgBidInstShownShow Text Message Bidding Instructions.
userTimeEnd time of Fund A Need to submit a pledge.
allowMultipleWinnersPerItemDo we allow multiple winners per item? the default value will be false.
compTicketCodeList of Complimentary Ticket Code that you wish to accept.
sweepstakesAre sweepstakes allowed in raffles?
availableTicketsAvailable tickets for sale in the raffle?
autoSubmitOnPurchaseIs it directly auto-submit on the purchase button?
displayTotalTicketSubmittedDisplay total tickets on the display page?
isEnableMarketValueIs market value enabled? If this toggle is on, then the user can enter the market value for the item.
descriptionGeneral description of the raffle. This is what will show on the event landing page.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!