API Reference

Get Registration Request Approval Toggle

This API used to show the toggle value of Registration Request of ATTENDEE, SPEKAER and EXHIBITOR associated with the specified event.
To call this API, the user has to pass a query param with API URLs like eventurl and authentication key to authenticate the user.

Query Parameters
RegistrationRequestType - registration request types like ATTENDEE, SPEAKER, and EXHIBITOR.

Path Parameters
eventUrl- The Event URL is a unique identifier for your event. E.g., https://www.accelevents.com/events/demo. Here, "demo" is the event URL.

Body params
Not required

It will return only a boolean value true or false.

Authentication required - ✅

Role wise accessibility
Super Admin - ✅
Event Admin - ✅
Staff - ❌
Attendee - ❌
Exhibitor - ❌
Speaker - ❌

Display - ❌
Portal - ❌
Host - ✅

Here is the description of response attributes, which is returned a boolean value.

Here are the possible error messages that return if any condition fails or required data is missing for processing.

Error CodeError Description
403Not Event Host
404No Event Found
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!