API Reference

Get virtual event settings details

This API is used to get virtual event settings details associated with the specified event to show in the admin console. Event admins and super admin can access this API.


Here is the description of response attributes, which returns in the form of JSON.

streamProvider This contains the stream provider. Data will be returned as one of the following: NULL, ACCELEVENTS, WISTIA, YOUTUBE, VIMEO, FACEBOOK, ZOOM, and DIRECT_UPLOAD.
subStreamProvider This contains the substream provider. Data will be returned as one of the following: VOXEET, CHIME, OPENTOK, and AGORA.
streamUrl This contains a streaming URL. For WISTIA, YOUTUBE, VIMEO, FACEBOOK, DIRECT_UPLOAD,
and ZOOM, the streaming URL should be set to ACCELEVENTS to generate a unique streaming URL.
streamKey This contains the unique stream key.
rtmpUrl This contains RTMP URL. This will be used to paste into OBS studio or other encoders along with the stream key.
accelEventsStudio Boolean value. This returns "true" if the stream provider is ACCELEVENTS.
id This contains the unique identification key.
sponsorSection This is the option to add a list of sponsors or upload sponsors' logos.
hubNavigationBackgroundColor This is the option to change the Hub Navigation Background Color. A maximum of 8 characters are allowed.
hubMainBackgroundColor This is the option to change the Hub Main Background Color. A maximum of 8 characters are allowed.
allowAttendeeToPostInFeed This is the option to allow attendees to post in Lobby Feed. If "true" attendees can post, if "false" they cannot.
welcomeMessage This is the option to add a written welcome message of the host's choosing.
welcomeMessageVideo This is the option to add a welcome message video of the host's choosing.
customTab This is the option to add a Custom tab in JSON.
numberOfLiveStreamingExhibitorsPurchased This shows the total number of Exhibitor Pro plans purchased.
maxNumberOfFreeAttendees This shows the maximum number of free attendees allowed to register for the event.
virtualEventTabs This contains the data for EventDesignConfigTabsJson including lobbyTab, stageSessionTab, and leftSideNavMenu.
virtualEventLabels This shows an array of objects like key, value, hide, and color.
expoBackgroundImage This shows the option to add a background image to the main Expo page.
simultaneousSessionScroll This shows the option to enable simultaneous session scrolling. If "true" sessions occurring simultaneously will appear side by side in a horizontal carousel.
gamificationNewFlow This shows the option to enable gamification. If "true" then gamification will be enabled.
buttonTextColorConfiguration This contains button text color configuration. It will return data of the following:
mainStageSessionColor: This is the main stage session button color. The default color is #2ec974 .
breakoutSessionColor: This is the breakout session button color. The default color is #377ef9.
meetUpSessionColor: This is the meetup session button color. The default color is #f0ad4e.
workshopSessionColor: This is the workshop session button color. The default color is #c9c12e.
expoSessionColor:This is the expo session button color. The default color is #722ec9.
breakSessionColor: This is the break session button color. The default color is #2EC974.
othersSessionColor: This is the other session button color. The default color is #f93737.
font :This is the session font color. The default color is #ffffff.
countdownSessionTextColor : This is the countdown session button color. The default color is #377ef9.
SessionTimeTextColor: This is the session time text color. The default color is #406AE8.
agendaTabsColor: This is the Agenda tab color for the event site and virtual event hub. The default color is #FFFFFF.
agendaTabsTextColor: This is the agenda tab text color for the event site and virtual event hub.
virtualHubTabTextColor: This is the tab color for the virtual event hub display.
joinButtonColor: This is the networking lounge join button color.
enterEventButtonColor: This is the enter event button color.
enterEventLabel: This is the enter event button label.
expoTabsColor: This is the expo tab color.
numberOfSessionColor : This is the number of sessions background color.
numberOfSessionTextColor: This is the number of sessions text color.
chatLinkColor: This is the chat link color.
hubAllSessionTextColor: This is the hub all-sessions text color.
hubSpeakerNameTextColor: This is the hub speaker name text color.
virtualEventHubHeaderTextColor: This is the virtual event hub header text color.
virtualEventHubHeaderColor: This is the virtual event hub header color.
hubSessionHeaderColor: This is the hub session header color.
hubSessionNameColor: This is the hub session name text color.
joinSessionColor: This is the join session color.
mainStageTextColor: This is the main stage session text color.
breakOutSessionTextColor: This is the breakout session text color.
meetupSessionTextColor: This is the meet up session text color.
workshopSessionTextColor: This is the workshop session text color.
expoSessionTextColor: This is the expo session text color.
breakSessionTextColor: This is the break session text color.
otherSessionTextColor: This is the other session text color.
lobbyBannerImage This is the lobby banner image.
maxAgendaItems This is the maximum number of agenda items.
hideLobbyBanner This is the option to hide the lobby banner.
addNoFollow This is the option to add no-follow.
bookMarkButtonColor This is the Bookmark Button Color.
allowInterestToAttendee This is the option to allow attendees to create their own interest tags.
allowLateJoin This is the option that allows attendees to join sessions past the set start time.
lobbyPageStreamInfo This is the lobby page live stream information. It will return data like StreamType, streamUrl, streamKey, title, description, liveStreamId , streamStatus, and more.
expoPageStreamInfo This is the expo page live stream information. It will return data like StreamType, streamUrl, streamKey, title, description, liveStreamId , stream status and more.
sessionWaitingImage This is the image shown while waiting for a session to begin streaming.
allowContactInfoFlagForAttendees This allows Contact Info Flag for Attendees.
expoBannerImage This is the expo banner image.
lowLatency This is the option to enable or disable low latency.
labelLanguageCode This contains the label language code. It will return data like EN and ES.
hideExpoBannerImage This is the option to hide or show the expo banner image. If "true" then the expo banner image will be hidden.
acceptDirectMessages This is the option on an attendee profile to accept Direct Messages. If "true" direct messages will be accepted.
pronounEnabled This is the option to enable or disable pronouns in the profile. If "true" then a field for pronouns will appear on attendee profiles.
workshopEnabled This is the option to enable or disable workshops. If "true" workshop sessions are enabled.
enabledLounges This is the option to enable or disable lounges. If "true" lounges are enabled.
speakerInviteEnable This is the option to enable or disable the speaker invite mail. If "true" speakers will be sent an email when added to a new session.
enablePeoplePage This is the option to enable or disable the People tab. If "true" the People page will appear on the virtual event hub.
showTotalAttendees This is the option to show the total number of attendees. If "true" the total number of attendees can be seen on the client side of the virtual event hub.
showOnlineAttendees This is the option to show the total number of online attendees. If "true" the total number of attendees online can be seen on the client side of the virtual event hub.
stageEnabled This is the option to enable or disable the main stage. If "true" the main stage is enabled.
sessionEnabled This is the option to enable or disable regular sessions. If "true" regular sessions are enabled.
networkingEnabled This is the option to enable or disable networking sessions. If "true" networking sessions are enabled.
expoEnabled This is the option to enable or disable the expo. If "true" the expo option is enabled.
feedEnabled This is the option to enable or disable the lobby feed. If "true" the lobby feed is enabled.
hubNavigationTextColor This is the option to change the hub navigation text color. Maximum 8 characters are allowed.
enabledLobbyChat This is the option to enable or disable the lobby chat. If "true" the lobby chat is enabled.
expoLiveStream This is the option to enable or disable the expo banner live stream. If "true" the expo banner live stream is enabled.
enableLobbyPoll This is the option to enable or disable polls in the expo. If "true" polls in the expo are enabled.
playBackRestrictionToken This is the play-back restriction token for virtual event settings. If "true" recordings of past sessions are not available for viewing on the client side.
thumbnailRestrictionToken This is the thumbnail restriction token for virtual event settings.
enableLobbyQuesAndAns This is the option to enable or disable Q&A in the lobby. If "true" the lobby Q&A is enabled.
enableLobbyQnAPrivate This is the option to enable or disable sending questions in private in the lobby.

Error Code

Here are the possible error messages, which return if any condition gets failed or required data is missing for processing.

Error codeError Description
401You are not authorized to view this resource.
403The resource you were trying to access is forbidden.
404The resource you were trying to access is not found.
4030201The user is not an event host.
40600013Unable to create a URL.
4040200The event cannot be found.
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